Title: This is Me, This is You
Summary: Jaejoong refuses to stop loving Yunho.
Pairing: YunJae
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG13
Length: Oneshot
When you have fallen so hard on each other like the two of them had, there are only two ways to go. Forever ….or you come down crashing. )
Comments 24
I would really like to read another one-shot showing Jae living his life to the fullest, happy and contented in love and married to someone else, while Yunho anguish in his miserable life living in regret of losing Jae.
It would make our dreams come true....
Stupid Yunho ... Actually I don't mean that. He's actually smart ... Doing the right thing for himself. Selfish man.
It's actually Jae who's stupid. The stupid fool in love. I just want to pat his shoulder and say "Give yourself some time ... Time will dull this pain and heal you. You can do better than that merciless man".
This is so sad...
I really thought yunho was that merciless towards jaejoong :'( apparently not..
And why must they separated like that hikzzz....
I can't imagine jae's feeling when he said he was yunho's only mistake ;______;
To think you're just your loved one's mistake..omg
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