Title: This is Me, This is You
Summary: Jaejoong refuses to stop loving Yunho.
Pairing: YunJae
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG13
Length: Oneshot
When you have fallen so hard on each other like the two of them had, there are only two ways to go. Forever ….or you come down crashing. )
Comments 24
*flops down*
and i managed to find you back! D: the other time you wrote a first chapter of jj staring at a painting, and *tiny voice* did you shove it aside?
*crawls slowly*
in the middle where jj said that yh had to live with the fact that he would always love him, it just reminded me of some song where it was about liking the person for just one more minute kind of thing. D: and i'll go listen to the song you recommended, but idk, jaejoong should have made crazy moves on yunho the very first moment they were in a mild semblance of okay. and not leave it at the point where anger took over, and he tossed words that he never/ didn't mean.
perfect son, the perfect employee, the perfect idol, the perfect leader who got
his members back again. You are going to be Korea’s perfect husband. What
Being so perfect is not always healthy. Sacrificing what is really important to him (yunho) would definitely take its toll on himself in the long run :(
I will be that one thing, that one mistake
that you can never undo.
he can't undo it because it isn't a mistake in the first place *le sigh*
He had never been a mistake....
in fact, everything else was.
this is beautifully written and so bittersweet ;_____; thanks for sharing this! <3
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