"Your honor, pardon the cliche, but this is a completely open and shut case. The girls parents died young, without a will placing their daughters in anyone's care. Mr. Wyndam-Pryce was a close friend of the family's, (okay...so I may have lied a little, but it sounded better than "Alicia and Marilee met Pryce after being abducted by a demon who eats children.") He was the first and only person that Alicia and Marilee asked for at the police station. I have a statement from Officer Beverly Tierny stating that much. She can also inform you how comforted the girls were by Mr Pryce's mere presence."
I stood in the office of Judge Reinholt, pleading my...Wesley's case. The judge was a handsome guy, powerfully built but slightly going to seed. This was good, men I could handle. It was the women that usually threw me off...I straightened my suit jacket and cleared my throat, continuing on.
"Since being placed in his care, Alicia has been attending her classes regularly, and her teachers have informed me that she has been adjusting well to things since the accident. Mr. Pryce is holding a steady job at Wolfram and Hart, and is more than capable of taking care of these girls. I see absolutely no reason for you to not grant him custody."
Judge Reinholt looked over the statements, files, forms, and everything else I had presented him with carefully. And after a moments consideration he spoke in a gravely voice.
"You have certainly done everything right Ms. Morgan, but I would still perfer to speak with Mr Pryce and the girls myself before ruling." He dark eyes were solemn.
"With all do respect, don't you think that these two little girls have been through enough of an ordeal already? Are you really ready to make them rehash the details of their parent's shooting?"
I could see him begining to bend, "Jude Reinholt, I know you have the girls best interest at heart here, but they are in very good and capable hands. This I can promise you."
Now I may be a liar and a cheat, but if there is one thing that I never do it is make a promise without meaning it. It was one of those pesky values my mother instilled in me. Couldn't be gotten away from. In our history together, Reinholt knew this. He sighed gruffly. "Custody granted. A follow up hearing will be scheduled in one months time in which both of the Miss Brewers and Mr Wyndam-Pryce will be present. Am I clear?"
"Crystal." I said smiling up at him. "Thank you your honor."
I cleaned up my belongings while the Judge went off to sign the proper paperwork. While I waited outside his office, I debated calling Wesley or not. I had gotten this hearing pushed through in record time and there was no way he would be expecting it all to be over with...it might be rather amusing to surprise him with the news...
I thanked the Judge again has he handed me a manila envelope with all of the proper paperwork inside. All they needed was Wesley's signature. I placed them on the passenger seat of my silver Mercedes as I drove to Wesley's apartment.
I took a moment to fix my hair and smooth out my shirt before knocking on the door. A few moments passed by until I saw Wesley's face behind the door.
"Congratulations." I said handing him the envelope. "It's a girl. Two in fact."
(Open to Wesley whenever you finish with Giles)