Title: Microfic Meme
Pairing: Peter/Caspian
Summary: Write 10 different categories of fic (angst, fluff, AU etc), each in 10 words or less.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to C.S. Lewis.
1. Angst:
When Peter made no promises, Caspian knew he’d lost him.
2. Fluff:
"My puppy…"
"I'm -"
Peter kissed him before he could protest.
3. AU:
He actually wanted to be bitten. By Caspian, the vampire.
4. Crossover:
"I don’t need Legolas' haircare products to drive Peter crazy!"
5. Romance:
Peter’d had lovers before, but Caspian was his first love.
6. Hurt/Comfort:
Peter didn’t cry, but Caspian held him all the same.
7. Parody:
"Fine techniques, sire, - fine techniques. - Lube, sire?"
"Not just now."
8. UST [unresolved sexual tension]:
Caspian fled the room even before he felt himself blushing.
9. Kinky:
Naked, bound, in silk stockings. Caspian looked good, albeit furious.
10. First time:
He fainted from the fever, not Peter’s "I love you".