LJ community names starting with _ or 0-9 or A-D

Aug 11, 2007 19:23

Please leave a comment if your former LJ community name started with _ or 0-9 or A-D!
Remember to tell us whether the old LJ community is still active or not!

Example: LJ community name - new blog/new web site - new comm link

List of former LJ communities _ or 0-9 or A-D

- 0-9 -

50alternates - insanejournal: 50alternates

50episodes - insanejournal: 50episodes

50harlequins - insanejournal: 50harlequins

50originals - insanejournal: 50originals

100_women - insanejournal: 100_women


alchemy_bullets - closed down, moved to: greatestjournal: alchemy_bullets, and insanejournal: alchemy_bullets


beyond_lj - insanejournal: beyond_lj - Fandom Forwards (back-up, if we go out of business in LJ land, we'll be up and running over there in a second - bookmark it! Don't worry, we won't lose your entries. This comm here gets archived every night!)


childlove - insanejournal: childlove
Disclaimer: This community is for ethical, legal and philosophical discussion of romantic relationships between adults and children or teens. This community does not endorse, condone, promote or solicit illegal activity.
(comment fandom_forwards_mod: I have to confess I do have reservations about linking to this community for personal reasons. Nevertheless, I do accept that in the spirit of freedom of speech a forum for discussion about this subject is legal and possibly useful. However, if I see evidence that the stated rules (No posting or requesting illegal material. No admissions of illegal activity.) of this community are broken, I'll take the link down.)

comm a-d

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