I spent the weekend a Otakon 2011!!! yay!!!! I'm technically still in Maryland, as I'm spendin the rest of the week with family (playing intense mahjong XD) before heading back. I'll probablydetail my post a little more, but since I just finished this i'm kinda-sorta outta words XD Here you go XD;
Otakon 2011
Alright. Again.
We stayed in the Best Western Envy hotel, Kara, Brenna, Zinthoris, and I. It was quite pleasant despite the fact that the room kept randomly breaking XD; On friday, we actually ended up skipping out on the dance and such in order to watch Criminal Minds all night (AND THEN WE FOUND A CM PRING IN AA AND DIED A LITTLE INSIDE. me and Kara anyways XD). It was about a 10 minute walk from the con, but I think it could have been faster if we weren't so dead tired by the time we were generally walking back XD; (Also, sorry about the lack of beddddd Zinthorissss >_<;;; I hope the chair was at least remotely comfy >_<;;; )
We ended up spending quite a bit of time every morning getting our cosplays on and one particularly entertaining memory from that for me anyways would be Brenna detangling/recombing her Grell wig using my head as a wig stand XD; I look ridiculous in red hair, jsyk. XD
Baltimore area was also quite entertaning. Outside the con center there were a few people selling water (ICE COLD WATERRRR) and the skywalk between the Hilton and the con center was actually quite convenient and also awesome (I still think our school should be connected by a series of tunnels/skywalks. it'd be cool.) and OH GOD CON STORIES.
On Friday, my parents drove us to the con-center from the hotel. Brenna Kara and I squished in the back seat with all our cosplay gear and our constuff, eagerly waitig to get in. Along the way we got stopped at a red light. As we were stopped, there was a hobo-ish man with a sign walking up and down the right side of the row of cars. When he got to ours, he started to pass but then did a back-track and just stopped and stared. Being in the middle, I got to see the glorious change of his facial expression. It was amazing. He stared for a good 15 seconds at Brenna in her bright red hair and her fake-sharp teeth in full Grell cosplay before making a hasty retreat across the street. (Brenna later: "he didn't even see the chain saw!!!") It was a good start to our con :D:D:D
I haven't decided particularly if I'll be back. I enjoyed it (although it really was quite large) but I suppose it boils down to whether or not I get a table XD)