Title: Overcoming Shy Author: beyondtheremix Theme: 004 Bold and Delicious (Ayumi Hamasaki) Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Tora/Hiroto Band[s]: Alice Nine Disclaimer: fluff?, crack? Comments: There’s a lot to deal with when you’re living together.
omfg, how can that be so completely fucking AKWARD but fucking HLIARIOUS at the same time!~? XDDD god, my bother thinks I'm a retard for laughing at "nothing" but god! I refuse to go near a bathroom when other people are in the house for random reasons (Like above, here we have Tora with a bad case of the bathroom stalker~)
God, that was adorable. And written so well.. and instead of typing up my report, I think I shall read even more. I have added you coz I need to read more. XD
LOL NO! Type that report XD! Procrastination is baaaaaaaaad, but I'm not one to talk XD;; I love me some Torapon and I'm doing the 50stories challenge with them... so... that is basically all I write at the moment LOL though I am halfway through!!!
Actually, I am typing the report. The deadline is tomorrow, so I have no choice... But I will be getting back to the other titles.. Torapon~ <3 I'm glad there's such a thing as 50stories.. love that pairing! :3
wahahahaha♥ tingedwords writes lots of Torapon but all her fics are locked *_* you should add her if you haven't read any. She usually doesn't mind XD You can tell her I recommended you or something. SPREAD ZEE PRONZ!!! (and do your work ROFL)
LOLOLOLOL YES! I did to just write about what you think I did XDD!!!!
AND you were going to get those half written ones whether you wanted to or NOT! >D *SPAMS* I'm actually trying to finish one of those up right now O_O they won't be half written when I post. Maybe half assed but finished! LOLOLOL
Comments 18
god, my bother thinks I'm a retard for laughing at "nothing" but god! I refuse to go near a bathroom when other people are in the house for random reasons (Like above, here we have Tora with a bad case of the bathroom stalker~)
It really shouldn't be awkward but it is *cries*
Thanks for reading 8DDD
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Thanks for reading!
Procrastination is baaaaaaaaad, but I'm not one to talk XD;; I love me some Torapon and I'm doing the 50stories challenge with them... so... that is basically all I write at the moment LOL though I am halfway through!!!
Thanks for reading and adding 8D!
tingedwords writes lots of Torapon but all her fics are locked *_* you should add her if you haven't read any. She usually doesn't mind XD You can tell her I recommended you or something. SPREAD ZEE PRONZ!!! (and do your work ROFL)
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AND you were going to get those half written ones whether you wanted to or NOT! >D *SPAMS* I'm actually trying to finish one of those up right now O_O they won't be half written when I post. Maybe half assed but finished! LOLOLOL
Thanks for reading!
(The comment has been removed)
*feels accomplished* 8D lololol
I should probably get back to doing academic school things now =_= FAIL~
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