May 19, 2008 22:56
The narration isn't quite sure how Martha Jones got past security, but it's been weeks since she's seen Des and now that the plague is practically taken care of, nothing on Earth could keep her away from him any longer. It's been several long, exhausting, nerve wracking weeks.
Once she gets upstairs, she only pauses long enough to find out, which room is his, and then pursue it with a quick thanks.
Martha knocks on the door when she reaches the room. Heart beating a little more quickly in anticipation.
Hopefully, Des is actually here.
It's not as if there's much room to roam up here (it must have been hell just waiting around) and she really doesn't want to go to each room individually, knocking on doors to find him (oh, but she'd do it in a heartbeat if it was necessary, it is that vital to see him at this point).
the doctor (ten),
martha jones,
desmond descant