Feb 11, 2009 12:57
Des is in Grant Park, specifically he is in the portions of Grant Park that beg the question as to who exactly decided to put a goddamn forest in the middle of a bustling metropolis. And he is not alone for with him he has his spear and magic helmet trusty golf club.... Yes. Golf club. There is totally a reason for this.
As it turns out, Des hasn't even officially opened for business yet, but he's already got at least one client. Some guy basically came up to him as he was leaving his office, asked if he was one of those weirdos who handled 'the freaky shit' and Des responded with the affirmative and the guy promptly made a lot of flailing gestures and said something about monsters in the park.
Of course, there are many monsters in the park and the guy not having any specific description means it could be any one of them, but, well, he was paying, and Des hasn't done anything worthwhile in a very long time, and ridding the city of one more monster is just as good an idea as any other. The golf club is here because Des knows full well that bullets don't work on a lot of things and he also knows that iron (or in this case steel, which is close enough) tends to kill most weird creatures, and for the ones it doesn't.... Well, very few monsters like being beaten to death with a golf club. The problem is, you know, having to be within claw and teeth range of the damn things to beat them with said golf club.
....And this is exactly why Des did not tell Martha or Grace that he was going out hunting. They can beat him to death later... When nothing bad actually happens, because, yeah, Des wandering out into the heart of the wild parts of the city with a golf club is not inviting danger at all.
Feel free to join in on the hunt! Or, uh... Gawk at the random guy walking around the park with a golf club. You know, whichever.
dev and ace caulfield,
grace cassidy,
trinity mcfasater,
dmitri lang,
desmond descant,
abby maitland,
aniki forfrysning