[Timed to this afternoon!]
Conway Rankin has a job.
...okay, not really. It's a job, kind of. It's a job in the sense that he does something and gets money for it...
But busking isn't really a job job. Still, he's made some money off of it, so he doesn't really see the point in applying for a proper job just yet. This is much more enjoyable, anyway. He's enjoying the attention, and so is Callie - he gets the monetary tips, she gets the food scraps. They both win!
He's currently located near the infamous coffee shop, strumming away on a guitar he borrowed from the Conrad's basement (he left a note!) and singing
this song while Callie naps near his feet.
And Conway's not the only person in Chicago with a song in his heart, today - Daniel Faraday has just arrived back at the Conrad from a morning of working with the kids in the Gauche, and he's humming. He seems awfully happy, don't you think?