[ooc: This is the Judgement Day plot we talked about in
eatmybrainrp! All posts relating to that plot should go here. Feel free to make up events, like having your characters try to run for higher ground or getting swept away by giant tsunami waves coming in from Lake Michigan. Just remember the theme of the day is destruction by water. Have fuuuuuun! :D]
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He stood in the middle of Grant Park, screaming until his throat was sore, but did anybody listen to him? Noooooo. They just went on about their day, ignoring the crazy screaming guy in the park. And maybe they should have. Maybe, if it wasn't him, he would have. But he figures that it's all a moot point now. Chicago is flooded, and Shawn?
Well, Shawn has a boat.
He thinks it's a rather nice boat, all things considered. He also may or may not have stolen it, but he figures that people can thank him for it later. He's driving his boat through the streets of Chicago, looking to pull up whatever people he could and keep them from getting swept away by the waves. The rain is still coming down, and it's making it a liiiiittle hard to navigate, but given the fact that his father practically raised him on a boat, he's doing okay.
He hopes.
When Rose sees the boat from her vantage point, she waves frantically and yells out to catch the attention of the person steering the vessel.
"Hey! Over here!" She can see through the rain clearly so she would make an excellent navigator if Shawn needed one.
"Grab on! I'll pull you in."
"Okay, I've got it. Pull away."
"Hi," he sighs. "I'm Shawn."
"Hello, Shawn," she replies. "I'm Rose."
For once.
"Nice to meet you, Rose," he sighs, pushing himself up into a sitting position. "I think there are blankets below deck, if you wanna grab one."
She rose to her feet and heads towards the stairs that lead down to the deck below. When she's sure that he's not looking, Rose moves super fast, finds two blankets and comes out again, one of them wrapped around her.
Rose hands one over to him. "Thought you might have needed one too."
Yes, Shawn saw this coming. Yes, he tried to warn people. No, they didn't believe him.
"Though I'm starting to get why Cassandra of Troy pitched such fits about no one believing her."
Being able to walk out in the sun for even a brief period had made her happy. It's one thing that she missed about being human.
"Sometimes people don't want to listen to what you have to say."
There just isn't anything you can do. Because he's Shawn and most of the time he knows people don't take him seriously -- only when he's right.
She's trying to offer words of encouragement, even if he is still a stranger to her. Rose didn't really have anyone who could give her courage now.
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