beyourcusack is being stalked on Livejournal!
pantolime is stalking beyourcusack
pantolime’s REAL name :
Wanda Tickner
pantolime’s REAL DOB :
07th March 1985
Height :176 cm
Weight : 65.0 kg
pantolime has dreamt about you :
24 times
pantolime became interested in you :
09th December 2003
pantolime’s latest dream about you
pantolime wakes up in the middle of the night to the sight of you by the bed with your firm buttocks waggling jovially in your new stalkers face.
This is how pantolime describes your relationship behind your back
‘We’re gonna have children. I haven’t talked to beyourcusack about it yet but I’m sure it will be happy to have about 12 kids.’
pantolime’s been stealing stuff from your house too.
pantolime has stolen your DVD recorder and will only return it once they receive a tongue kiss from you.
They’ve even started modifying their body for you
pantolime made the bizarre decision to have one of their eyeball’s removed especially for you.
They sent the following message to you in a Valentines
Everyday without you is death. I’ve decided it’s best that we end our lives in each others arms. My brother knows a fellow who can buy cynaide pills on the cheap. Let’s do it, for us.
The Police
No. calls to the police :
27 times
Your Last Call to The Police
"Ah fuck it not again. Look pantolime you little bastard, get your fucking head out of my bin or else I’m phoning the cops. Right that’s fucking it! Hello police? Yes it’s pantolime again. The little shit-stirrer."
pantolime’s Police File
pantolime can be quite pleasant when it’s not trying to gouge peoples eyes out with a plastic fork.
Testimonies about pantolime
starfaerie2398 - Spaced out junkie
‘It just goes to show that the world is full of sick, twisted perverts. I’m gonna fucking kill pantolime!’
zombiesareluv - The resident slapper
‘pantolime was a depressing bore and I’m fucking glad they’ve been outted as a twat. Means I won’t have to deal with them ever again. Hip-hip-horray.’
chilax_bitch - Nosy old hen
‘How depressing. I feel sorry for beyourcusack, it’s kind as fuck to a fault. Always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. All of this sickens me.'’
courtoh - Mixes vodka with Whiskey
‘I would not piss on pantolime if they were on fire.’
laughing my fucking ass off.