Dear Team,
This is not a goodbye. This is a thank you letter, a love note (but not a goodbye). This is my heart, for you (always), please take it with you and never forget.
There is an unfortunate fact in life, and this is the fact that people will come and go. They leave their handprints on your heart and their smiles in your hands and their words in your soul. They come and they go and you are never the same because of them (you hope that they are never the same because of you).
And every time you remember the way they dance, they laugh (they love), it's like they're right there with you again.
We're always taught that we need to let things(, people, places) go and that it's all a part of growing up and moving on. We let go and life continues and people come and go. That's the way it's supposed to be.
This is a thank you letter, a love note, an apology (but not a goodbye). I'm sorry I can't let you go.
I will hold onto every moment I spent in awe of your talents, (most of) your dedication, your spirit. I will never fill the space in my lungs for every breath you stole from me, every time you inspired me to keep dancing, to keep learning, to keep going. Every inhale I take from here on out will never touch that space, buried so deep they are as much a part of me as my heart and soul.
I will hold onto all those things you said to me. I'll tuck them under my tongue, behind my ears, between my fingers, so I'll remember how sweet they tasted sounded felt. I will let them sink into my skin, a tattoo, a constant reminder that you will forever be a part of me (and I will never be the same).
I wish you all the best in whatever you plan on doing, wherever you plan on going. I know you will have the greatest of blessings coming your way (because you came my way). Your handprints are on my heart and your smile's in the lines of my palms and your words are inscribed in my soul (and they are there to stay).
This is a thank you letter, a love note, an apology, an invitation (but not a goodbye).
No matter what you do, where you go, who you meet along the way that changes you the way you changed me, you always hold your place in my heart, my mind (my life) and you will forever be welcome back to it.
Thank you(, I'm sorry, you'll always belong here, don't forget, lovelovelovelovelove but never, ever goodbye),