Aug 24, 2009 00:02
- 12:32 @ mrdankelly happy Birthday! #
- 20:53 @ theboygeorge I personally would much rather hear you do a cover of Jill Sobule's "I Kissed a Girl" than yucky Katy Perry's. #
- 20:54 @ jeffcannata you should invite @veronica over to TRS to play that game in an upcoming segment! #
- 20:56 @ lucindalunacy what's there to spoil? Who wins the war? #
- 20:58 @ lucindalunacy TV "Fame" was practically G. #
- 21:06 @ lucindalunacy Kids today are totally hardcore enough for an R rated "Fame" movie...unfortunately, their parents AREN'T. #
- 21:06 @ lucindalunacy it really bugs me that my generation is way more conservative than our own parents. #
- 21:07 @ lucindalunacy I can't tell you how many people MY AGE freak out about the cursing in "Grease" lyrics, for example... #
- 21:07 @ lucindalunacy when we weren't warped by them ourselves and that movie came out when I was in fifth grade! #
- 21:19 @ lucindalunacy I never said those people were my friends...they're mostly people who were customers at FYE/Four Star Video... #
- 21:21 @ lucindalunacy and the "think of the children" mentality also ruined park playgrounds! I want metal slides and adult sized swings!! #
- 21:22 Why is there a Donald Trump owned Beauty Pageant in the trending topics? Do people REALLY watch that shit? #
- 21:23 I thought all the fuss over the last one was just the whole kerfuffle with Perez Hilton... #
- 21:23 is there really nothing else on television? Don't you people have DVDs to watch? How about reading a book instead? a round of Scrabble? #
- 21:25 I'd rather watch Maru for two hours than suffer through a "beauty" pageant...this cat doesn't exploit women! #
- 23:26 @ gailsimone can I assume you're talking about Rich Johnston (the Lying in the Gutters guy)? #
- 23:31 @ gailsimone if so, while I'd prefer not to read who's sleeping with whom in the comics industry (cont)... #
- 23:31 @ gailsimone I love reading the "swipe file" stuff on #
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