Sep 09, 2009 00:03
- 01:39 @ lucindalunacy my favorite two characters are Peggy and Joan, but yeah...housewife/soccer mom types do tend to infuriate me easily. #
- 01:41 @ lucindalunacy the problem is I see people I know in a lot of characters on television... #
- 01:42 @ lucindalunacy and Betty Draper seems to be just "Becky" to me (our friend Kris' ex-wife who dropped out of our wedding at the last minute) #
- 10:30 Save reproductive-health coverage for women. Block anti-choice amendments to healthcare reform! #health Plz RT #
- 10:30 @ mrdankelly this may be the ONE week I'm glad I'm not in Chicago... #
- 12:35 @ haydenblack of course, Chris Brown will save "Beat It" for the encore of the concert... #
- 12:40 @ lucindalunacy so, are you getting the game tomorrow? Should I start singing scales over the next few days to be prepared for the weekend? #
- 15:55 - #
- 17:21 @ peppermintsofie I see the weirdest stuff in supermarkets lately... #
- 17:27 @ frenprof why a FOLLOW-UP mammogram? Is there something to be worried about or is this normal sometimes? #
- 17:44 @ heydusti I've never gotten a flu shot. I've only maybe gotten the flu two or three times (and not just a bad cold). #
- 17:46 @ peppermintsofie constantly using air quotes/quotation marks is only douchey if it's to mark sarcasm. #
- 17:47 @ peppermentsofie though they'd be perfectly fine if they were actually quoting a source (even the air quotes). #
- 17:47 @ thejillthompson - yes #
- 17:52 @ thejillthompson that cemetary bus stop bench is just waiting for a story to be told about it (hey, @neilhimself: #
- 18:24 @ ranggrol @lucindalunacy sillies...everyone knows that AL GORE invented the vagina! #
- 19:05 Thanks @controladdict for this link! ATTN fellow Disney fans: #
- 19:55 @ peppermintsofie let me know if Lily and Marshall start twittering. #
- 19:56 @ cnreilly threw up #
- 22:34 What EXACTLY was the problem with this speech? #
- 22:42 @ allearsdeb that hotel looks like the Wilderness Lodge and the Grand Floridian had a baby! (beautiful pics. Thanks). #
- 22:45 @ frenprof adding to my instant queue now. Sounds like something to watch with Jarvis (a WWII/history buff). #
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