Sep 12, 2009 00:03
- 02:26 @ sarahlane We've been calling it the "Oughts" for some time now (at least my husband (@sungenis) and I). #
- 11:39 @ mrdankelly re: #glee. they're setting stuff up. The other kids in club will get their times in the's coming. #
- 12:13 @ mrdankelly that sounds like me when I watched "Empire Records"..."If they're all in the back room talking...who's watching the floor?!" #
- 12:54 Why is iTunes 9 forcing my podcast smartplaylist to be sorted alphabetically on my ipod after sync? #
- 12:56 I usually sort it manually in the morning by length (shortest to longest) but also by priority (favorites like #dawnanddrew bubble to top) #
- 14:55 RT @sungenis Remember: Obama has now kept us safe longer than Bush had during his first term. #fb #
- 17:07 RT @sungenis Rob Miller has now raised over $810,000.00. Thank you, Joe Wilson. #FB #
- 17:23 @ jamesdrobinson my husband had a business account at BofA for payroll at his company. An employee was told he couldn't cash his check... #
- 17:24 @ jamesdrobinson ...there because he could be "an illegal Mexican" (he was Puerto Rican and born in NJ). #
- 17:25 @ jamesdrobinson my husband immediately cancelled the account and withdrew all funds upon hearing this (moving to a locally owned bank). #
- 17:27 @ alecmapa I don't know, I think that her pageant experience and her own musical talent (she's a flautist)) might qualify her for AI judge. #
- 18:04 RT @ranggrol What the fuck?! RT @TBOcom - Marines dies in deadly trust-building game. #
- 18:52 @ alexslemonade - Yay Jack and Mrs. Jack!! #
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