Oct 05, 2009 00:00
- 00:13 @ heydusti it reminds me of the "Clay mates" who wanted to sue Clay when he "came out" a few years ago... #
- 00:14 just watched a pretty good thriller from the 60s via Netflix DVD (not on Instant, sorry)..."Lady In a Cage". Olivia DeHavilland/James Caan. #
- 00:15 ...and I was happy upon checking imdb.com to see that I was correct in recognizing a younger Scatman Crothers in a small role. #
- 00:40 @ ranggrol too bad Casey Wilson got fired from SNL. #
- 00:46 @ alexalbrecht you should have done a live diggnation from your reunion. That would have been pretty surreal, I bet! #
- 00:58 @ dawnmiceli for a more modern, but still vintage clothes fest, I highly recommend "Mad Men"! #
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