Nov 13, 2009 01:04
- 00:24 I must say again...Jane Lynch BETTER the fuck get an Emmy for her portrayal of Sue Sylvester!!! #Glee #
- 08:40 @ c2e2 I don't know about the two mikes you just announced but @geoffjohns and @thejillthompson are on twittter... #
- 08:42 @ c2e2 oops forgot the 0: @geoffjohns0 is on Twitter... #
- 09:37 @ scumberland why don't you take one of the limos/hearses? #
- 10:53 @ techfun I'm so over vampires, but I'm more over chick-lit-light books, even for trash reading. #
- 10:54 @ techfun but, yeah, she seems like a douche... #
- 11:12 @ techfun I'd love one to try this...I've been hearing so much about it. #
- 14:24 @ lucindalunacy I was surprised, but loved it. Also, loved that by Sue picking on Becky she WAS treating her like anyone else...! #
- 17:42 @ thegizwiz: #
- 19:09 @ scumberland Sunday night: watch Doctor Who IN the U.K. #
- 19:10 @ scumberland candy to buy: jelly babies, flake bars, anything Cadbury #
- 19:19 @ scumberland at least you'll be caught up for the most part since there hasn't been a special since Easter... #
- 19:38 I'm now! #
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