Tutorial 1: Gossip Girl, Blair

Apr 29, 2008 05:04

This is my first ever tutorial! I'll be posting icons soon but here is a tutorial for Gossip Girl,  specifically Blair's dream in The Blair Bitch Project.

This is my first tutorial, so please comment! I'd like to know if I should do more.

Learn how to go From this >
 using PSPX

1: Do whatever you do to get your base, crop, resize sharpen, etc. I took a Gossip Girl screencap from world_dreams … I croped it, resized to 100x100 pixels and sharpened once.

I duplicated my base and set it to Screen 100% . Then I duplicated my Screen layer and changed the opacity to 60%. DON’T MERGE! You may need to add another screen layer after the icon is made, depending on your base.

I went to Layers > Adjustment Layer > Color Balance and added these settings.

MIDTONES: -50, 15, 30

I went to Layers > Adjustment Layer > Curves and added these settings.
RGB: Input 100, Output 150

I went to Layers > Adjustment Layer > Brightness and Contrast and added these settings.


I went to Layers > Adjustment Layer > Channel Mixer and added these settings.

RED: 151, -44, -44

Set this Channel Mixer layer to Soft Light.

I went to Layers > Adjustment Layer > Color Balance and added these settings. This is important because without it, you're icon will be REALLY blue!

MIDTONES: 100, -100, -100

I went to Layers > New Raster Layer and set it to Exclusion 100%, filled with this red color #801008

Now you can leave it at that, it 'spretty awesome so you could skip to the text but I wanted to add a little more.

I added this texture by

_iconographer and set it to Lighten 100%


Now you can’t see Blair very good so I went to Layers > Adjustment Layers > Brightness and Contrast


Add test, I added Blair in Times New Roman, slanted it slightly and I was done! Here’s the finished product.

tutorials: icons, gossip girl

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