Screen Revolution: 800x600
Pictures: Picture Alignment: Could you cut the photo in half between them, and than align Jared along the left side and Jennifer along the right. Make them the tallness of the screen, but not look all stretched out. It would probably look better if you trimmed off the extra on the sides too.
Background Colors: In the space between the photos, I want it to be black.
Font: Arial
Text: I want it to be exactly like this only I want the first line to be size 18. The second line to be size 18 bold, and the last line to be size 12 bold. I want this about 1/3 the way down the middle, in the black area.
"Now your doing the waltz
With your murderer
Mediocrity is the killer."
Colors: The colors of the font I want to be whatever you think would look best, without leaving the color palatte of the picture. Just be sure to highlight the word murderer with a different color than what you use for the rest of the words.
Extras: Could you make the entire thing be bordered with just a simple black double frame?
If your feeling artisic and anything else that would make this look better comes to mind effects wise, go ahead and if you like it, keep it.