not sure if anyone reads this blog, but if you do, here is a question.. what are the good webhosting services out there?
I basically need shell access, perl and php scripting, mysql and support for wordpress and movable type. Yahoo provides all of the above except the all important shell access. have read a lot of blogs that have been posted on the move... I am posting this sitting on a table by the sidewalk in LA, courtesy starbuck wi-fi hotspot....though this has been around for some time now, it is still quite a good feeling, when u know that u can be connected to the world from almost anywhere....a feeling of power..its nice.
A collegemate is in san jose, on a business trip thru cisco. It led to 4 bms guys meeting on a conf over yahoo messenger. We were to work out plans for a trip to vegas
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action : I buy a tv from someone..secondhand....not a single record about the transaction. I spend an hr in front of my house trying to lug it in
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