SurferKitty287: iz!
XCrossbabyBluz: hey babe
XCrossbabyBluz: **** really hurt my feelings hardcore
XCrossbabyBluz: listne to this
XCrossbabyBluz: it was in her journal
SurferKitty287: kay
XCrossbabyBluz: As usual I find myself disappointed in my friend…she doesn’t care, she’s turning into what I was…
XCrossbabyBluz: She’s got too much evil shit in her and I cant even read her journal without tears coming to my eyes.
SurferKitty287: oh man
XCrossbabyBluz: I just want to slap her mother. She knows all that shit…and lets her do it. Ugh. It’s so irresponsible.
XCrossbabyBluz: I know she would have been angry with me if I was doing this stuff when we were really close…but she’s changed into someone who doesn’t care.
XCrossbabyBluz: im crying
XCrossbabyBluz: so hard
SurferKitty287: thats hardcore major
XCrossbabyBluz: she hurt me
XCrossbabyBluz: so bad
XCrossbabyBluz: omg
XCrossbabyBluz: this hurts so much
XCrossbabyBluz: you have no idea
SurferKitty287: obviousl;y she doesn't understand how hard it was for you
SurferKitty287: to come clean about that shit
>oO30 kLu 88Oo: MISS YOU
XCrossbabyBluz: OMG ME TOo
XCrossbabyBluz: im so sick...
oO30 kLu 88Oo: awww hunny, what's wrong?
XCrossbabyBluz: i have bronchitis
XCrossbabyBluz: argh.
oO30 kLu 88Oo: ahhh man that blows
oO30 kLu 88Oo: I had that a while back, I wanted to stab myself in the lung.
XCrossbabyBluz: i know it sucks so hardcore
oO30 kLu 88Oo: I bet, how are things otehr then still frouend
XCrossbabyBluz: yeah
XCrossbabyBluz: but its ok
oO30 kLu 88Oo: yeah, you seem to have relized alot....i fuckin' look up to you on that one
XCrossbabyBluz: haha thanks babe that means alot
XCrossbabyBluz: **** makes me want to die sometimes though
oO30 kLu 88Oo: how come ?
XCrossbabyBluz: argh.
XCrossbabyBluz: hgang on
XCrossbabyBluz: this is why
XCrossbabyBluz: go there
oO30 kLu 88Oo: k
oO30 kLu 88Oo: That sucks dude
oO30 kLu 88Oo: She cares..but it hurts to hear cause its so forward
XCrossbabyBluz: i know
XCrossbabyBluz: only certain parts really bother me though
oO30 kLu 88Oo: yeah
XCrossbabyBluz: She’s got too much evil shit in her and I cant even read her journal without tears coming to my eyes
oO30 kLu 88Oo: That hurts, that's not fair
XCrossbabyBluz: I almost want to fuck up my life again just so she can see how she’s hurting people.
XCrossbabyBluz: I just want to slap her mother. She knows all that shit…and lets her do it. Ugh. It’s so irresponsible.
XCrossbabyBluz: those are the things that bother me the most
XCrossbabyBluz: those things didnt need to be said
XCrossbabyBluz: those are harsh and mean
XCrossbabyBluz: how can she post shit about me like that?
XCrossbabyBluz: i thought she was my firned
XCrossbabyBluz: but shes spreading my buisness all over her journal
oO30 kLu 88Oo: I kno, but maybe she just wanted to get your attention to the fact shes hurting...but its really upfront and harsh I agree
XCrossbabyBluz: yeah
XCrossbabyBluz: i dont know
XCrossbabyBluz: how can i get better if no one believes in me?
XCrossbabyBluz: im crying
XCrossbabyBluz: damnit
oO30 kLu 88Oo: I believe in you....that's why Im so proud that your seeing all this
oO30 kLu 88Oo: You don't need a crowd to push you out of what you got need one person one heart, yourself hunny, that's why im here....I want to be here for you through everything
oO30 kLu 88Oo: Like you said
oO30 kLu 88Oo: you feel ing there is always times hwen you have to prove yourself to people there..well you dont have to prove yourself to me
oO30 kLu 88Oo: I kno the real you..and I accept you for you, I love you
XCrossbabyBluz: i love you too
XCrossbabyBluz: so much
XCrossbabyBluz: thank you
oO30 kLu 88Oo: Your welcome hunny
XCrossbabyBluz: im so glad i have you
XCrossbabyBluz: even though we are so far away
oO30 kLu 88Oo: I kno, but that's what Im here for...when you com eback we start off where we left off..and i don't ever want that to change, IM not going to loose you just because you're growing up...everyone does shit at some point they aren't proud of...and they pay for it....everyone does
XCrossbabyBluz: you're like the only one who understnads
oO30 kLu 88Oo: because everyone else is scared of what you're becoming, and they listen to the words they don't think of you as a person
oO30 kLu 88Oo: They read your journal and become scared
oO30 kLu 88Oo: they're not thinking about your side of the story you kno?
XCrossbabyBluz: its so hard
oO30 kLu 88Oo: They aren't putting their self in your place
XCrossbabyBluz: they're ignoring the fact that im recognizing a problem
oO30 kLu 88Oo: I am..I've been in sichautions as such
oO30 kLu 88Oo: That's why Im so proud, cause I see people everyday around me with a problem and they don't see takes so much to reconize it....and for you to see that...It blew my mind.