1.) Put your music player on shuffle
2.) Press forward for each question.
3.) Use the song title as the answer to the question.
Some of these are fuckin’ funny as hell!!
1.) How am I feeling today? Nirvana-Man Who Sold The World
2.) Where will I get Married? Mel Gibson-Braveheart Speech….Does that mean Scotland?
3.) What is my best friend's theme song? Tori Amos-CornFlake Girl
4.) What is/was highschool like? Devosion-Fair EastSide High
5.) What is the best thing about me? Aerosmith-Dream On
6.) How is today going to be? The Killers-Mr. Brightside
7.) What is in store for next weekend? INXS-Never Tear Us Apart
8.) What song describes my parents? Radiohead-Creep
9.) How is my life going? Rammstein-Sonne
10.) What song will they play at my funeral? Boyz II Men- Hard to say Good Bye….HOLY SHIT!!!! That is soo odd because when I got the news about Phil that was the song I was singing because I fell asleep
11.) How does the world see me? Pink Floyd-Wish You Were Here
12.) What do my friends really think of me? Janis Joplin-Piece of My heart
13.) Do people secretly lust after me? The Outhere Brothers-I wanna fuck You in the Ass….Now that is soo funny!!
14.) How can I make myself happy? Seal-Kiss From A Rose
15.) What should I do with my life? Jordis Unga-Imagine (Cover)
16.) Will I ever have children? Bob Dylan-Knockin’ on Heaven’s door
17.) What is some good advice? Bob Marley-No Woman, No Cry
18.) What do I think my current theme song is? Pink Floyd-Money
19.) What does everyone else think my current theme song is? Mighty Mighty Bosstones-Hell of a Hat
20.) What type of men/women do you like? Cake-Short Skirt Long Jacket…Why are some of these sooooo good
21.) Will you get married? Rockapella-Carmen Sandiego
22.) What should I do with my love life? Baba O’Riley
23.) What's sex like? REM-Losing My Religion
24.) Where will you live? Genesis-Land of Confusion
25.) What will your dying words be? Queen-Bohemian Rhapsody
And the Song that Just came on is the song I did my first high school dance solo to..