Feb 20, 2008 00:00

godchild the godchild needed protecting, no questions asked but Con asks a lot more questions than her predecessor. helping people is kind of her thing and these people either need help, or she wants to give them a hand, be it providing bail money, a bottle of vodka, or the ~magically inclined~ help. whether or not they want it is beside the point. under her protection now, but won't stop her complaining.

the gifts there were a lot of gifts at that schindig and all of them were pretty damn sparkly. the gifts (to Con at least) embody this. Maybe they're not the epitome of wit, grace or whatever princessy qualities they were but the gifts are people Con thinks are seriously hot shit. [Spots open] rikkitikkitavi

the grumble
the grumble warned Con that shit was going to go down, and this grumble works the same way. ruffling her edges and perhaps provoking just a touch of the cynicism that rides along with her happy-shiny-outlook, the grumble digs under Con's skin in a way she's not happy about. there's going to be a storm eventually, that much is certain but for now, they're circling. [open spot]

the bad spell
the bad spell couldn't be allowed to continue the way it was. it was a crabby, crotchety and downright mean thing to send out into the world; Con's duty was to stop that from carrying on. the bad spell might not like it, but Con is fully determined to turn all that negativity into something she can work with and will ignore all and any protest. true, the bad spell is seriously powerful and could kick her ass if he wanted to, but something prevents him, and Con thinks it's all the potential the bad spell has for becoming something a little less vicious. usedtowords

the old fairy the old fairy and the young fairy were sort of like chalk and cheese. the old fairy acted like a dick, the young fairy wasn't afraid to step up and do something about that. suffice to say, the bad fairy and Con are like chalk and cheese; they don't understand one another, they make very little effort to work out one another's viewpoint, and the bad fairy brings out the absolute worst in Con, and she doesn't care, damnit! [Open spot]

the big sleep
it was a solution of sorts, better than confronting the reality and finality of death but it wasn't forever. Con's way of fixing the problem was merely a stop-gap; she wasn't around for the beginning; a built in wake-up clause. the big sleep is someone Con desperately wants to build a wake-up clause for; the chances of losing a seriously valued friend in the next ten years are high, so their relationship is largely based around hugely morbid lists of shit to do, and the best ways to die. anything but to just not-wake-up cometospain

the thorns sometimes, girl's got to hide out for a hundred years or so until the storm dies down, or the bad fairy goes away. and when you hide, it's best to do it behind the thorns; they'll keep you out of sight and out of mind, and keep off anyone trying to get to you. Some people are not huge fan's of Con's kook or maybe they're a little sick of her 'help'. When that happens, this is the person she retreats to; they're good enough friends that Con looks on them as able to help her wriggle out the 'why' of everything. [open]

the spindle kind of pointy and liable to hurt people, the spindle is someone to be wary of. it might just start something that's more difficult to get out of than just getting seriously kissed. the spindle couldn't be altered despite the best of Con's magic. it isn't a good idea for anyone to play with, and Con's doing her best to avoid going there. [open for male role

the princess Once she was done fixing Sleeping Beauty's life, the fairy was about done with the princess, leaving her to handle ogres and vicious mother-in-laws. Con would like to think she could leave the princess alone to get on with it, but. Something always drags her back. Maybe it's that they're too deeply connected for her to give up, but the princess has her interest. Whether they want it or not. [reserved for Sleeping Beauty folk/French Tales]

the happy ending
so you're a twenty-something in NY, you're going to be a cynic. Except... believing in the happy ending keeps that hope, optimism and downright weird way of seeing the world going. the happy ending keeps Con firmly convinced that the world is an awesome, shiny place if people like these exist. tuliped [Spots open]

the boots of seven leagues You got to get from one side of the world to another quick sharpish, you call in a friend. the boots are exactly that; help - or a laugh, drinks, going for pizza or coffee and general hang-out material. Con's quick to make them, and equally quick to make use of them... if she can. [multiple spots open!]

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