Hee - I guess I get to make my first post for my stalkers waaay more emo than I intended! *rolls eyes at self* But seriously, I HATE cars right now!
The plan, the ENTIRE reason why I rushed myself with packing and getting finals finished, was for me to leave tomorrow morning to visit my Lisa Marie. THAT WAS IT. There was really NO other reason for me to bother rushing myself. Yeah, I LIKE home, but it would have been MUCH more leisurely to pack up and come home today, rather than last night. But no - instead I decided to rush myself so that I could come home last night so that I would be certain to get everything put away and see my parents a bit before I went to visit Lisa and go to Jen's No Pants Party, which I have been looking forward to for about 2 months now!
So my car won't make it up to DAYTON, much less to Athens, and my mom's car, in addition to getting only 20 miles to the gallon, is needed this weekend. So I figured that this was no problem, I could just borrow Dad's. Well GUESS which car decided that it needed new breaks, new transmission, and a new engine mount? OH YEAH, DAD'S CAR. RAR. And it was just discoved THIS MORNING. I mean, I guess I should be grateful! It was a routine checkup, and if Dad had waited any longer for it all of this stuff would be out of warenty and we would have to pay for it. And really, I perfer knowing it now, rather than when I am broken down on the side of the road in the middle of east buttfuck OH.
But, but! *cries* I was REALLY looking forward to this weekend! And yeah, I am planning on going when the car gets fixed, but it is not getting fixed until Wednesday at the earliest. So that means that the earliest that I will get to leave is Thursday, which means that I am going to only be able to stay for 3 days, because I need to be home Saturday night, so that we can leave Sunday to move me into Stuart. Again I say to you RAR.
*sigh* So the long and the short of it is I am missing Jen's No Pants Party, but I should still be able to visit my dearest darling Lisa Marie next weekend.
And I suppose that the bright lining in the clouds is that I get to spend time with my Carrie Berry and Steph this weekend. I've got a bunch of Dr. Who vids to show Steph, and Carrie and Steph are planning on making me watch
Blood Drips on Newsies Square which should be made of amusement. Also I have TONS of stories that I have book marked to read that I didn't get to during the last new weeks of school, so it isn't as though I am lacking for things to do. It is just that I had PLANS damnit!