Books and Authors referenced in Jo Walton's Among Others
Anthologies, magazines:
- Best of Galaxy. - Destinies. - Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine! - Ansible!
SF books
- Adams, Douglas: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
- Anderson, Poul: The Broken Sword. - Ensign Flanders. - Guardians of Time.
- Asimov, Isaac: The End of Eternity. - Guide to science. - The Left Hand of the Electron.
- Boyd, John: Last Starship from Earth.
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer: The Spell Sword.
- Brooks, Terry: Sword of Shannara.
- Brunner, John: The Shockwave rider. - Stand on Zanzibar. - Times Without Number.
- Cherryh, C.J.: Gate of Ivrel.
- Clarke, Arthur C.: Childhood’s end. - Forgotten Enemy. - Imperial Earth. - 2001.
- Coney, Michael: Charisma. - Hello Summer, Goodbye.
- Cooper, Susan: The Dark is Rising (series) - Chaining the Lady. - Grey King. - A Spell for Chameleon. - Silver on the Tree.
- Delany, Samuel R.: Empire Star. - Triton. - Babel 17. - The Einstein Intersection.
- Dick, Phillip K.: The Man in the High Castle.
- Donaldson, Stephen: Lord Foul’s Bane.
- Engdahl, Sylvia: Beyond the Tomorrow Mountains. - Heritage of the Star.
- Fisk, Nicholas: Space hostages.
- Fowles, John: The Magus.
- Garner, Alan: Red Shift.
- Garrett, Randall: Lord Darcy (series) - Too many Magicians.
- Harrison, Harry: Make room! Make Room!
- Heinlein, Robert A.: Glory road. - Have Spacesuit Will Travel. - The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. - The Number of the Beast. - Time Enough for Love. - Waldo and Magic Inc.
- Henderson, Zenna: Pilgrimage.
- Herbert, Frank: Dune
- Hughes, Ted: Crow.
- Huxley, Aldus: Brave New World.
- Leguinn, Ursula: City of Illusions. - The Dispossessed. - The Eye of the Heron. - The Farthest Shore. - Lathe of Heaven. - Tales of Earthsea. - The Wind’s Twelve Quarters. - Wizard of Earthsea. - The Word for World is Forest.
- Lewis, C. S.: Mere Christianity. - Narnia (series) - Out of the Silent Planet.
- Mccaffery, Anne: Dragonflight. - Dragonsinger, Dragonsong. - The White Dragon.
- Miller, Walter M.: A Canticle for Leibowitz.
- Moore, Ward: Bring the Jubilee.
- Niven, Larry and Pournelle, Jerry: The mote in Gd’s Eye.
- Niven, Larry: The Flight of the Horse. - A Gift from Earth. - Ringworld. - World of Ptaavs.
- Priest, Christopher: A Dream of Wessex. - Inverted World.
- Richards, Frank (Halmiton, Charles): Greyfriars (series)
- Roberts, Keith: Pavane.
- Robinson, Spider: Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon. - Telempath.
- Silverberg, Robert: Born with the Dead. - Dying inside. - Stepsons of Terra. - Up the line. -Voyage to Alpha Centauri. - The World Inside.
- Simak, Clifford: City.
- Smith, Dodie: I Capture the Castle. - The Starlight Barking.
- Stewart, Mary: The Crystal Cave.
- Sturgeon, Ted and Heinlein, Robert: Dangerous visions “If all men were brothers, would you let one marry your sister?”
- Sturgeon, Theodore: A touch of Strange.
- Tey, Josephine: Brat Farrar. - Daughter of time.
- Tiptree, James Jr.: “And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill’s Side”, “Girl Who Was Plugged In”, “Love is the Plan, the Plan is Death”, “Houston, Houston, Do You Read?” - Warm Worlds and Otherwise.
- Tolkien, J. R. R.: Hobbit. Lord of the Rings (trilogy) - Silmarillion. - The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
- Vonnegut, Kurt: Breakfast of Champions. - Cat’s Cradle. - G-d Bless You Mr. Rosewater. - Sirens of Titan. - Welcome to the Monkey House.
- Wyndham, John: The Chrysalids.
- Zelazny, Roger: Creatures of Light and Darkness. - Doorways in the Sand. - The Dream Master. - The Dream Peddler. - The Guns of Avalon. - Isle of the Dead. - Nine Princes in Amber. -Roadmarks. - Sign of the Unicorn. - This Immortal.
SF other authors:
- Ellison, Harlan. Lord Dunsany (Plunkett, Edward). McIntyre, Vonda. Piper, H. Beam. Smith, Cordwainder.
Non SF
- Alcott, Louisa May: Little Women.
- Auden, W.H.: Selected poems.
- Austin, Jane: Emma
- Blyton, Enid and Cox, Pamela: Malory Towers (series)
- Bronte, Charlotte: Jane Eyre.
- Carpenter, Humphrey. The Inklings: C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Charles Williams and their Friends.
- Chaucer, Geoffrey: [Canterbury Tales]
- Churchill, Winston: History of the English Speaking Peoples.
- Coolidge, Susan: What Katy Did.
- Dickens, Charles: Our mutual friend
- Eliot, T.S.: Four Quartets. - The wasteland.
- Farrar, Frederic W: Eric, or Little by Little.
- Finley, Martha: Elsie Dinsmore (series)
- Graves, Robert: I Claudius.
- Hardy, Thomas: Far from the Madding Crowd.
- Kerr, Judith: When Hitler stole pink rabbit.
- Kitto, H.D.F.: The Greeks.
- Marx, Karl. Communist Manifest.
- Mitchell, Margaret. Gone with the wind.
- Montgomery, L.M. June of Lantern Hill.
- Plato. The Laws. - Phaedrus. - The Republic. - The Symposium.
- Poe, Edgar Allan: “The Raven”
- Porter, Eleanor H.: Pollyana.
- Renault, Mary: Bull From the Sea. - The Charioteer. - The Last of the Wine. - The Persian Boy. - Purposes of Love. - Return to Night.
- Shakespeare, William: A Midsummer Night’s Dream. - Richard II. - Romeo and Juliet. - Tempest. - Twelfth Night. - Winter’s Tale.
- Shute, Nevil: An Old Captivity.
- Virgil: Aeneid.
Other authors:
- Blume, Judy. Brazil, Angela. Chekhov, Anton. Chesterson, G.K. Cookson, Catherine. Keats, John. Ransome, Arthur. Streatfeild, Mary Noel. Trollope, Anthony.