Luke woke up in the midnight and immediately felt a pain in his stomach. He was breathing very heavily and sweating badly. He closed his eyes because he could not bear the pain. He tried to call Noah but Noah was turned over and could not hear him. Luke slowly opened his eyes and saw four tall figures approaching him. Luke was extremely scared. All the figures had such a bright glow that it was hard to identify who or what they was.
“Stay back” Luke yelled while he was still in pain, but the figures continued to approach him.
Suddenly a sense of peace came over Luke, the pain was barely noticeable.
“Sleep” said one of the figures as they laid one of their hands on Luke forehead.
Luke slowly reclined back onto the pillow and did as he was told falling back asleep instantly.
Early the next morning, Noah started to wake up. He was about to turn around to see Luke. The minute Noah began to turn, a baby started crying.
“What the….” Noah wiped his eyes as he looked at the newborn infant wrapped in just a blanket make all that noise. Noah eyes widen.
“Hmm” Luke started stirring around after a goodnight’s rest. Luke suddenly hears the little infant crying. The baby was crying so loud that the little infant beside him was starting to wake up and cry.
“Where did…” Luke asked Noah. All Noah could do was shrug his shoulders. Luke picked up one of the boys and started to rock the baby. Noah followed Luke lead and cradles the other little boy in his arms.
“Shhh, hi” Luke said holding the baby. Luke could not get over the fact of how much this baby looked like Noah. He had dark hair with beautiful brown eyes. Noah stared at the little blond boy with blue eyes that look so much like Luke.
The little boys slowly begin to settle down and quickly went back to sleep.
“Noah, go get Reid.”
Noah quickly ran out of the room.
Noah went down the castle hall and knocked on Reid door. After three knocks, Reid finally opened the door.
“Somebody better be dead.” Reid said annoyed and slightly grumpier than normal.
“I need your help.”
“Can’t it wait till later? I’ve had a very busy day at the hospital.”
“No, it can’t” Noah said as he tugged on his brother’s hand. Noah explained what happened this morning as they walked towards the room.
Reid was speechless when he saw the newborns on the bed with Luke.
“These boys were just born. You said just found them on the bed with you?”
Luke and Noah nodded. Luke explained the bits and pieces about the dream he thought he having last night.
“Well, let’s get them to the hospital and dos a proper checkup?”
“Well?” Luke said as he waited for an answer from Reid. Luke was becoming attached to the little boys and wanted to see them.
“Well, the boys are fine. They are healthy and the one with blue eyes has really has a pair of lungs on him.”
“What about the DNA tests are we the parents of the babies?”
“Well, that’s the thing. When I ran the test for Noah it returned that he is indeed the father of both the boys. I did the same for test for Luke and it returned that he is the father of the kids as well.” Noah and Luke looked at Reid confused. Reid was shocked himself by the results of the test.
“So, I tried to do a maternity DNA test on the both of you. It did not match for Noah but it did match for you, Luke. ”
Luke eyes widen.
“So, what does this means?”
“It means that you two are the natural parents of the boys and are legally responsible for ……” Reid looked at the paper and noticed that neither of the baby boys had name so he call their test Id number.
“1865472 and 174255. Oh, I forgot to mention. On the birth certificates, you both will have to sign as the father.”
“Why?” Noah asked.
“Well, currently, a male cannot claim to be a mother of a child on a birth certificate. Also, I think it would be best if we keep this just between us for a while. Because of the nature of the situation, this could cause unwanted attention to you and the boys.” Reid warned.
“We’ll do whatever is best for the babies.” Noah grabbed Luke’s hand and smiled.
Our babies Luke smiled at the thought and tears started to run down his face.
“Congratulations.” Reid smiled that the young couple. He knows how overwhelming the emotion of becoming a parent can be. “I’ll leave you two alone.” Reid walked out of the office.
Luke and Noah let out a sigh of relieve and embraced each other.
Noah looked at Luke, who was still crying tears of joy.
“Let’s go see our boys.” Noah said as he wiped the tears from Luke face.
Before going inside, Luke and Noah stood at the window of the Hvar’s baby nursery. The men watched as their twin babies’ sleep.
“Look at them.” Luke smiled. Noah kissed Luke on his forehead.
“What should we name him?” Noah pointed at the dark haired boy.
Luke looked at the baby.
“Nathan, what made you come up with that?”
“Because he reminds me of you. Not to mention he cries a lot like Ethan use to do when he was a baby.”
“Ethan, a cry baby, remind me to tease him about that the next time we meet.” Both men laughed.
They looked over at the little blond baby.
“What about him?”
Noah thought for a moment.
“Why Hayden?”
“Hayden was my little brother’s name” Noah spoke mildly.
“My mom learned very early that she would not be able maintain a pregnancy. She was devastated by the news at first but always kept trying. That was the reason why her first marriage failed. After Reid was born, my father and mom got married then I was born. One day, she found out was going to have another child. She was so excited. She had his room ready and even named him, Hayden Mayer. Six months into the pregnancy, she had a miscarriage. I have never seen my mom so devastated. ”
Luke listened the heart breaking story and something occurred to him.
“Noah, the bedroom beside our room where we was going to put the adopted baby, was that your little bothers’ room?”
Noah nodded.
“After the miscarriage, my mother never stepped foot in that room again.”
Luke gave his partner a kiss on the cheek.
“Hayden sounds perfect.”
They entered the nursery to hold the newest additions to their family.
Noah picked up Nathan. He was so small is his hands. Luke held Hayden but watched closely as the father and son bonded.
“Hi son, I’m your dad.” Noah’s emotions became so strong they got caught in his throat as the words came out of his mouth. Tears rolled down his face. His dream came true and he never felt more blessed.
“I love you, bubby”
“I love you too”
A few weeks passed and Luke and Noah were still getting adjusted to the whole parenting thing. Because Noah was a king, he could not stay with the kids all day but he did like to spend some quality time with them during breakfast and dinner.
Today was no different. Luke and Noah were sitting at the table while they fed the boys their bottle. The phone started to ring. Luke walked over to the grabbed the phone.
“Yes, can I speak to Noah?”
“Sure” Luke thought something was odd with man’s voice.
“For you” Luke said pointing the phone at Noah.
“Who is it?”
“My I ask whose calling?”
“Just tell him it an old friend.”
“He said it’s an old friend.” The man replied.
“Old friend?” Luke told Noah.
“Just put it on speaker phone.”
“Hello?” Noah said
“When I told you it wasn’t over I meant it.” Luke and Noah knew by the sound of his voice who that was.
“What’s the matter son? You don’t recognize you own father’s voice.” Luke just continued to rock Hayden.
“I guess you thought that dumbass cop killed me. Well, he didn’t and we have unfinished business, King Mayer.”
“What do you want?”
“I want my son back and bring those grand babies of see their grandpa. Oh, and to give you some motivation.”
Phone went silent for a second.
“LUKE?!” The girl said trembling.
“Luke stay away. He is going to …..”
“SHUT UP” Damian warned the girl. The next thing Luke and Noah heard was the sound of faith screaming as she was shock from Damian’s Taser.
“Boston. Be here in one week or I’ll do more than just zap her.”
Noah looked over at Luke, who was now completely worried about his sister.