Hey, I added you as a LJ friend because we are both friends with la_petite_singe and we are both on the ontd_discussion community! But I mainly added you because of your Stardust-themed userpic! CLAIRE DANES IS MY FAVOURITE ACTRESS EVER, WHEE!
Add me back if you like. I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself so you wouldn't be thinking, "Who is this person?!" :-)
Comments 5
your favorite outfit.
an object that represents your favorite color.
i did this years ago and never took any of the pictures. XD
2. Geekiest thing (in your opinion) that you own? :D
Add me back if you like. I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself so you wouldn't be thinking, "Who is this person?!" :-)
Thanks for the add! I look forward to getting to know you. :)
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