my art come from the heart and i don't appreciate you making a mockery of it. if you want to laugh at somebody's face, you laugh at your own. like with a mirror or glass or you could take a picture of yourself and go get the film devloped and then look at it and laugh, but i say to you o feeble minded, my painting is that of great skill and magnificents and is therfore not to be chuckled at unless by some souless imbassol who happens to stumble upon it, unable to mentally digest is infamous beauty. that is all.
wow julie, that was pretty passionate of you. I guess you are artistic. you have great deal of pride put into your work. respect. it was magnificant. no denying it. it made me laugh, it made me cry. but mainly laugh. and i do laugh at my face julie, i do. holy geeze, why the hell are you so freaking far away??!? this is ridiculous. and then you get back right before school. soooo dumb.
Comments 5
And laughed + peed myself the whole time.
I guess you are artistic. you have great deal of pride put into your work.
it was magnificant. no denying it. it made me laugh, it made me cry. but mainly laugh.
and i do laugh at my face julie, i do.
holy geeze, why the hell are you so freaking far away??!? this is ridiculous. and then you get back right before school. soooo dumb.
would have been perfect if not for that on grammatical error.
its ok even the best fall down sometimes...
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