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BiNet USA News and Opinions: News, Essays and Editorials by & for America's Bisexual Community (on LJ as
Belated greetings (
board members took their new positions in late April). It’s been a busy month in Lake WoBiGon (sorry, Garrison), so that’s why I’m only now getting to write this (and with a special thanks to our never-ever-sleeps webmaster, who has inserted all sorts of links in this essay):
Biphobia has been running rampant lately (why right now is a mystery to me, but I’ll blame the economy, global warming, bad hair days . . . ), so BiNet USA's supporters and Rapid Responders have been countering the attacks immediately, consistently and repeatedly (donate now so we can continue the fight!).
• At the same time (not so coincidentally?), same-sex marriage has been approved by courts or legislatures in several states, and there’s a move afoot to try to repeal Prop. 8 in California), so we have yet another fight on our hands.
• And I’ve been so swamped with work after two more rounds of layoffs that I haven’t had time to say hello. So: Hello!
Allow me to introduce myself: You know Methuselah? Well, I haven’t been around the bi movement THAT long - but nearly. Actually, I’m the political/theoretical-construct love-child of
Loraine, Alan,
Barry, Alexei, Luigi . . . hey, it takes a community to nurture a community, yuh know - and to comprehend what BiNet USA and the bi movement are all about.
. . . What’s that? You say didn’t even KNOW there’s a bi movement? And you don’t know who those people are whose first names I just rattled off? Well, stick around and pull up a chair(person) . . . Or in this case, a prexy.
CLICK HERE For The Complete Article
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