wow I didn't actually get a comedown proper until monday, how wrong is that??? Sorry to Leanis for being such a grumpy bastard yesterday
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Monday was packed with dumb dumb dumbio. I nearly knocked my manager over with the movable couch on one of the linear accelerators. I just wanted to scream: "I'm on my fucking period!"
I have ideas and future projections for use at the next board meeting, ones that make more sense than my random dumbness on sunday night- sorry about that, I was feeling so far away, and communcation became like screaming syllables through a mile of perspex- more soon...
... sorry kidnapped and dragged to the roof by the manager to look at green lights and pipes of stuff. Yeah, thought I was OK now but need more sleep, comedowns are poo but this one has been copable. Although I have found myself walking in the wrong direction around the hospital and staring at things in a distracted fashion.
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I have ideas and future projections for use at the next board meeting, ones that make more sense than my random dumbness on sunday night- sorry about that, I was feeling so far away, and communcation became like screaming syllables through a mile of perspex- more soon...
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