Title: So Beautiful My Boy.
Pairing: KiWoon (Kikwang and Dongwoon of BEAST)
Genre: Half-AU? (Not sure if it’s romance... Lol.)
Rating: PG for a curse word.
Disclaimer: Doooo not own ;D
Summary: In which BEAST consists of five members - and Dongwoon is a hardcore (not really) B2UTY.
Warning: Too much praise for Dongwoon. /biased. And yes, this
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Comments 22
I'll look forward to the sequel, bb~ ♥
Also, why aren't we friends yet? T___T I added you. ^^
Thanks for reading~ ♥
Adding back! I need more B2UTIES in my life. T___T
So funny.
Dongwoon so full of himself xDDD
Glad you liked it and thanks for reading! ♥
loooool im such a fail ;_____;
but anw, def a great fic
oh and sequel puhleaseee ^^
The sequel is still in progress~ Hope you don't mind waiting~
Thank yooouu~ ♥
I hope there's a sequel, because my mind isn't in its right state now, lmao. /stoopid sry. Keep waiting? ♥
Thank you for reading this~ ♥
awww I hope you'll be in the right state of mind very soon XD I'll try to wait patiently hahaha
You're most welcome :D
Kekeke, thank yooooouu~ ♥
I cannot help but let my mouth hang open once or twice during my read...not to mention going off somewhere and returning to continue reading without being flustered. (shrugs) I have this thing/urge to go elsewhere whenever things get tense in a public situation.
But you managed to get me hooked, that I cannot help but be pulled back again.
(snickers) I can totally imagine Gikwang going off like a school girl. (nods)
The additional mental comments on liking red. Friggin' hilarious. Especially when he already started off with 'ooh' at the beginning of it.
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