Title: Disarming The Discorded (Part 1)
Pairing: KiWoon (Kikwang and Dongwoon of BEAST)
Genre: Romance, AU, drama?
Rating: R for ungraphic sexual scene.
Disclaimer: Doooo own not ;D
Summary: In which Dongwoon was a walking human magnet and Kikwang was a loner. In other words, Dongwoon was an obsessed Kikwang-observer and Kikwang was actually adored by
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Comments 21
Well, I like how they note each other's presence.
But dammit, I can already see Kwangie hiding so he doesn't have to face Dongwoon *sigh*
nice chapter, looking forward to more
:3 Thaaanks, you SAO person ❤
THAT'S ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT??????????????????????????????????????ME WANT MOAAAARRRRRRRRRR......................................................................................................................
I love how the two think that they can't approach each other but have taken notice of each other! :)
And I love how you describe them here~^^ Simple, but on spot. Lovely! :)
And I thought this was a oneshot I'd like to read b4 bed but now u got me curious, why would Kikwang juz abandon Dongwoon like that???
update plz? :)
Nah, I've posted the next chapter already xD Hope you enjoy reading that one too~
Awww, I'm glad to have been able to portray them in such way :)
Keke, this fic is chaptered only because I fail at long oneshots /dying. The reason, you'll eventually know (I think) xD
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Kidding, thanks for reading and commenting as well :)
I want to know how it ends.
I want to know why Kikwang left.
Update soon?
You'll find out eventually (maybe) :D
Updated! Beware of my rants though, loool. Hope you enjoy reading that one too~
Dongwoon says they're cool :D
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