I'm at it again

Aug 01, 2010 11:41

OK, mishaps is an overstatement. Mostly, it's just the high humidity making flying sessions not fun. Sweating, and the only way my feet and calves could get wetter is if I walked through a puddle. I have to take a dry pair of shoes and socks along to change into after I'm done. It also makes the planes fly worse because the covering absorbs so much moisture. Anyway...

My Cloud Buster #1 is being a pain. After getting the basic flight pattern right, I went to near full winds on the motor. Now I'm getting rubber bunching at the rear peg, which does bad things to the balance, which leads to a roller coaster like flight path. Thankfully I haven't broken anything, but it's frustrating. I think I've finally figured out what's causing it, but we'll see if I'm right next trip. Pics below.

However, I seem to have the Javelin #1 sorted. The power phase needed some downthrust. Once that was in, it climbed well until the power ran out, then it flew in a straight line. Across the road. Into the scrubby empty lot. Luckily I found it not far past the first tree/shrub line. I also discovered that if one goes into the old creek bed at the middle of the lot, it's gone. There's a steep bank covered with more scrub and no good footing and I'm not falling in there after one. I added a tab to the wing and now it flies in nice circles both on and off power.
One very nice thing did happen last session. A fellow that walks the footpath nearly every day stopped and complimented me on getting the Javelin flying well. He'd seen me working with it for a while now and saw one of the good flights and stopped for a brief chat.

If the humidity level ever drops, I should start having a good time. I've finished up 4 more models that now need testing and tuning. The neverending cycle of the modeler.

That's all for now, Bargle
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