Posted these on GoS yesterday :) And yes that is Cally Worthington, possibly spouse of the next Gallifrey heir if I can just get her to stop bitching long enough to build a relationship with someone!
Yegads it's ages since I posted the Gallifreys! I'm so sorry. I miss them. Thing is, I'm so busy with uni work at the moment. Well, not right this second because I've just finished a paper but I have tons of reading to do for each unit so I'm only loading up my game for the first time in WEEKS right now
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Photobucket is being unbelievable shitfest this week. So while I figure out what is going on and re-up some of the Gallifrey posts, ( have some more Zeppelin snaps )
Yeah yeah, my photobucket bandwidth disappeared YET AGAIN. I made caps of David Tennant on Comic Relief on Friday, which had a TON of views and it's all gone until Tuesday. Oh well!
So I mentioned yesterday that I'd managed to resurrect the Zeppelin family. Kind of. I extracted Debbie with SimPE, set Mr Biffy to giving her a makeover in Bodyshop and plonked her down in a brand new, non-screwed up neighbourhood. And then got a little trigger happy with the printscreen button.