I know your secret!

Jul 07, 2007 17:55

Name: Melanie/Mella
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Location: PA :D
Talents: I have great strength in anything math-related, logical and factual. On the other hand, I have an imagination off the richter scale! My imagination produces visions inside my head of everything I'm thinking of. It's the reason I can't watch scary movies - I tend to imagine the murderer in my own home and while laying in bed can somehow feel him/her coming. Happily, it's never true. ^^;;
And I'm excellent at card games and puzzles. Mainly, it's word searches. Physics class: Everyone else gets around 10 words in the word search, I get 23. :)
Weaknesses: On top of all my weaknesses is my shyness. I despise speaking in big groups with everyone staring at me - unless I have every possible detail in my mind first. And I can barely keep eye contact when talking to boys. ;_; But I'm trying to get over that.
I'm also sometimes a push-over when it comes to debates. I sit on the fence a lot and am pushed off frequently ((it hurts too, you know!)) If it's something I believe in strongly, I won't change my mind, but sitting on a fence is dangerous business.
Then, there's the part of me that constantly has obsessions. ((Currently, it's Yagami Light from Death Note. ♥)) I will get to the point of creepiness every once in a while... Not too too often though.
Strengths: ((Almost like talents?))
Besides those in the talents section, I'm the most optimistic person that you'll meet. If you don't believe me, here's my all-time famous quote: "I believe everyone in the world has some good in them. Whether they use that good or not is their choice."
Plus, I'm extremely generous and forgiving. Just because you're a horrid and ignorant little baka ((idiot)) doesn't mean I won't lend you a pencil! :)
Hobbies: Writing - constantly, reading, card games, rating communities, fangirlling, obsessing!
Likes: Books, Twilight, Harry Potter, Anime, Manga...
Dislikes: Spiders! The dark, scary movies, rude + ignorant people
Religion: Roman Catholic...but not strict... ^^;;
Career Path: Though it's one of the most common dreams I've seen here on Livejournal, I want to become a writer. But not a famous one, not even a remotely KNOWN one. I want one thing: A book published ... and that the book gives ONE person in the world the feeling I get when I read books - an escape.
Do you have pets? Nope, sadly.
Do you have siblings? One - older brother in college.

Color(s) and why? Red. It's not a blood red or an angry red. It's a happy and bursting with joy red. I ahte how red is stereotyped with evil things - it's beautiful!!
season(s) and why? Spring. I love the rain - too much for my own good. And the warmth - I love warm rain...
gemstone(s) and why? Topaz! Garnet or Emerald. Garnet because it's my own and it's RED! ((Dark red, but still...)) Emerald because it's my favorite color for eyes. I love bright green emerald eyes.
Flower(s) and why? Cherry Blossom. Cardcaptor Sakura - it plagued my brain. And cherry blossoms are also a flower often used in anime and manga!
Animal(s) and why? Horse. Beautiful, majestic, amazing creatures. I adore their movements and shape. So graceful and yet so powerful.
TV show(s) and why? LOST. Captivating and yet, so logical? XD It's a show where you can never guess what's about to happen.
Movie(s) and why? Dead Poets Society. The side of poetry you've never seen in your life - the great and amazing side. It truly made me like poetry a lot more.
Food(s) and why? Ice Cream. I'm addicted. It's soooo good. Any kind - from vanilla to strawberry to cookies and cream... Yum.
Place(s) to be and why? Girl Scout Camp. It's the only place in the world where I can be myself ((besides with friends)). And I adore the chance to be outside for a week without someone pestering, "We're going hiking AGAIN!?"
Band(s) and why?: ... Um...I don't have a favorite. I listen to a lot of J-pop ((Japanese pop music)). So anyone I name wouldn't be easily recognized anyway.
Book(s) and why?: ... ;_; Why must I choose!? All right, authors instead, okay? Stephenie Meyer, Scott Westerfeld, Sarah Dessen, Tamora Pierce, Marianne, Curley, Lemony Snicket, JK Rowling, and of COURSE Laurie Faria Stolarz. ♥

What is your sense of style? Style? *laughs hysterically* I wear what I'm comfortable in. Blue jeans are always for school. I hardly wear dresses or skirts but will for special occassions.
When was the last time you cried? ... I cried when ... wait, that's a spoiler. Um...I cried just yesterday when a certain character from a Tamora Pierce book "supposedly" died even though I knew he wasn't dead...
Do you believe in karma? Not specifically "karma" but more so that if you do bad things, then you will be punished? Wait, that is karma, isn't it. Oh bother.
Do you believe everything and everyone has a role in the universe? Definitely. Each and every one of us is important! If you make one person in the world happy, then you're incredibly important!! You don't ahve to be a superhero to be needed!
Do you believe in the paranormal? (Ghosts, poltergeists, all that stuff?) Hell yes. I will believe anything and everything. My friends sometimes roll their eyes at me when I think it. And in hypothetical situations like "you just turned into a vampire," they always come to me. -_- Because I'm the only one who'll believe them.
Where do you feel safest? In a book! Buried deep within the pages of a grand and amazing book - that's my safe haven.
Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic! ((See Strengths.))
Which of these scents attract you most? Crushed pine needles, a flower boquet, coffee and fresh baked food, outside after it rains. Oustide after it rains. *can smell it now* I love the rain and I love the scent it leaves. I hopeit rains soon.
Are you energetic or calm? When I want to be hyper, I can be. And when I need to be calm, I am!
Are you a leader, a follower, or independant? Follower. I tend to let others lead situations and I'm the one in the background pushing them forward. But I am a hermit also - I tend to stay away from people when I can. I hate people. *twitch*
Do you care what people think about you? I would love to say I don't...but then, I'd be lying. -_- I do care, but it's only because I don't want to be laughed at. It's one of the fears in my life. Laughter. *twitch* See why I despise people?
Do you like being the center of attention, or are you shy? SHY. ((See Weaknesses.))
Are you impulsive, or do you think things through? Think Things Through. I don't jump into a situation unless I know exactly what I need to do. I have ever alternative in mind - even if it never happens. I'm a worrywart who plans 6 months ahead of time.
Where is your ideal vacation? Japan, Forks, WA, or London. Japan because it's the center of anime/manga. London because I adore British accents. Forks because of Twilight ((read Twilight, you'll find out.))
What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend? He has to have some level of intelligence. No, I will not marry anyone who fixes his hair while looking at the blank television screen. ((Long story.)) But mainly, I don't care what he looks like - if he's a bad guy or a good guy - I just hope that he'll love me. I really hope to be his number 1. ((Cardcaptor Sakura reference. And yes, I just got all mushy...like mashed potatos.))

Which character would you like to be romantically involved with? JACOB! ♥ I adore that man. I don't remember exactly why and couldn't tell you any good reason...but I do. ;_;
Which male character do you see as your best friend? Um... can I say Jacob again? Please? Only because I adore him with Stacy and if I couldn't be romantically involved with him, I'd want to be his friend - definitely. And the guy in...crap...the fourth one with ... I forget his name. ;_; He's awesome too.
Which female character do you see as your best friend? Probably Stacy. I could see me hanging out with her because I'd want to be in on the action of her spells and such. ^^ Though I'm 17, I'd suddenly become Chibi Stacy, the little girl who follows her around and no one seems to remember the name of.
Who is your least favorite character? ...*forgets names* Um... I disliked Stacy's friends for a long time...but they're alright, I guess. ((I haven't read the books in two years and lack sufficient funds to buy them myself...I'm sorry! ;_;))
What was your favorite part in the books? (You can name one for each if you like.) I adored the end of White is for Magic - with the candle and the kiss. It made me smile.
What was your favorite of the books? White is for Magic. One word: JACOB. ♥ I adore that man...too much. ((Yes, he was an obsession.))
Did you read Bleed yet? Nope. It's in hardback right now and I hardly ever buy hardback books. Plus I can't find it at any library. ;_;
And one of the most important questions...Did you cry during Silver is for Secrets? No. I BAWLED. I sat on my couch with my finger in the page and bawled my eyes out - I couldn't continue for at least five minutes of tears. And better yet, I had READ the back cover of the fourth book and thus, KNEW what was going to happen. Yet, I BAWLED. How is that for a softy?

Would you mind being stamped as a character of the opposite gender? Nope. Stamp me as you like, voters!
Other fandoms? Harry Potter, Twilight, anime, manga ((see User Info for specifics))
Anything else you would like to tell us? Yes. Please excuse my rants on this application - it's going to be extremely long. But believe me, you'll have fun. Well, as much fun as anyone would have reading a long excruciatingly detailed application on a person you've never met before. :) Cheerio and I'm sorry I haven't read the books in so long. ;_; There are too many good books out there...
The quote...was the one at the beginning of Red is for Nightmares. About Jacob. It's the only one I remember from the series. Um...you guys have all read the series right!? I can say it? Well, how about this. Highlight the next two lines if you want to see it!!
"Jacob may have drowned that night, but I'm the dead man floating." - Stacy

completed stamp

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