Dec 14, 2007 04:38

You know, if I were to ever write an autobiography. I would call it my 25th Year. Here's an exert from it

I clocked out at Hardee's for the last time at 11:19:47 PM on December 13, 2007. Next stop, 3 day weekend. Then I get my second chance at Echostar.
I got my second chance to work in an office environment, & this time I'm not going to mess it up by missing work (with out documentation). It started soon after getting fired, that feeling that I was going to drown in debt.
I hated having to go back to food so I tried at another call center, countless retailers, & even posted a resume on-line. I ended up choosing between a guaranteed $10 an hour, 40 hours a week, 2 days off, call center job with Wachovia; & a commission based, bull shit hours, 1 day off a week insurance salesman job with Combined Insurance.
The insurance job won me over with false hope of making more money, working smart not hard, blah blah bullshit. I went door-to-door selling insurance. I despised that job, after my head came out of the bullshit that I had buried it in. The money that I was promised to make with less work was harder work to do than you would think. I had to deal with people in their homes, O was the "intruder". With me being a Leo, all of that drove me crazy. It was hard to be aggressive in someone else's territory. I may be an outgoing person, but being the person that I use to slam the door on wasn't for me. Plus, all that money I was promised to make helped me to get behind in bills, lost my car, & got behind in child support.

I had to swallow my pride & go back to food. YAY! *pounds head against wall "Why didn't I take the Wachovia job* Sooooooo, after being told by a friend, Kylene, that KFC was hiring drive-thru cashiers, I went back to being the one thing that I had previously swore to my self that I would never go back to again. I went back to working in fast food. Roughly 15 months later, & after working just about every fucking day, I walked out of KFC's doors, & into Hardee's.

The whole time that I was dealing with the bullshit at both of the restaurants I was keeping in touch with the professional acquaintances that I had made while working at Echo Star. I made ot a point to acknowledge them when I went out, & to try to speak to them when & where ever I saw them. We would bullshit about life, talk about echo Star then & now. I'd mention coming back & the trouble that others had trying to come back. They would "hmm" & "ah" some of the things that I said.
I dealt with more than a share of shit while working foe Hardee's these past 18 months. First, I gave into becoming full time, wooo hoo $7 an hour. Then I decided that I wasn't going to do any beterm & decided to become a manager. Wow, that was involved. I never knew how much junk that you have to rummage through while waiting for them to declare you a manager. There were workbooks, workshops, on the job training at your home store, & at a different store. Then you would go to a review board to be judged fit to be able to make sure that burgers are ordered, rang in, prepared, delivered, presented, & even disposed of at a barely above minimum wage restaurant. Wow, eight years ago when I became a shift manager at Long John Silver's there was a workbook, & the DM watched you open the store, run a shift, & then close the store. I was looking for that cheese real hard at Hardee's, but couldn't find it for all the steaming piles of shit that were bEing flung at me.

Again, through the whole Hardee's river of agony, I kept my network working. I would recognize someone from when I worked at echo star, or I would see someone wearing some of the schwag that Echo Star employees get, I would make it a point to talk to them. I would drop names, find out who's there still, who's been fired, why that person was fired, & what was the latest Echo Star news. I made connections. My name floated around a bit. Sometimes when I would drop names, or tell them which department I worked in, I would get recognized.

I was afraid to reapply at Echo Star, but something had to give. Fast food was slowly killing my soul. Colonel Saunder's zombie had attacked my brains, & the Hardee's Vampire was draining my life force. One day former team member of mine from Echo Star came in, Justin Baer. He & I chatted each time he came in. Then on a more stress filled night at Hardee's I mentioned reapplying, & he said he would check my rehire-ability, we exchanged numbers.

A week later he texts me to go for it. Two weeks after that. . . I won't say why I had to wait, just that I had to wait . . . I filled out a application, did that on a Friday. The following Tuesday I got a call about an interview for that Thursday. After the successful interview I took a drug test that Friday. Finally at 10:36 am on 12-10-2007 I got a call offering me to start on 12/17/2007. That's right all of that took less than three weeks. I applied a week after Thanksgiving & was hired a week before Christmas.

YAY! I got my old job back, making $11 an hour. I got to tell Hardee's where they could put their Thickburgers.

Also in the course of the past few months I have made new friends, & had lots of drama. That happens a lot in the Gay Community. One of my friends, Amanda A.K.A. The Original Pocket Dyke, and I found a place live, with the help of another friend, Chris A.K.A. Super Dyke (Yes she's a she). We are subletting an apartment from another friend, Jamie(she has a private MySpace). After the paperwork gets put in, I pay my part of the deposit, & she moves out. Amanda & I move in, January 10th. Now all that's left is for me to get a car & I'l be back on my way to getting my life together.
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