
Dec 05, 2004 15:13

blah wat a shitty nite. full of fighting and crap. :-/ my mom left this morning shes in CT or suttin like that i forget. did have to work todya. didnt get paid :-/ working all next weekend fo'sure. haha ghetto. goin out wit luke tonite to steve's in oxford. steve is lynns bf so we're bringin her there and chillin. todays been kinda boring. jessica ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

deadmanwalkinwm December 5 2004, 19:20:18 UTC
No shit our school is messed up. I hate it.


good nite puppaw123 December 7 2004, 18:19:12 UTC

SHOW ME UR BOOBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha good times


carl186 February 2 2005, 18:19:53 UTC
I just randomly came across your livejournal, you might remember me from CRA and 8th grade, and i do still go to your school, take a quick guess if you ever look at this again


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