be glad that you have the means to GO to university or ANY kind of post secondary kind of training and attain that education cause there are tons of kids out there that would love to be in any of our spots right now
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you on university: "it was full of abnoxious rich kids who dindt give a shit about the world they lived in, only about the one that directly effected them
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uhhh, fuck, I don't even want to reply to this, haha. Umm yyeeeaaaa. Not because I don't know what to say, but because so many people have so many different opinions on shit
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I was really bored, so I checked out the Top 10 highest paid CEO's and 8 of them have post secondary education. out of the other 2, one founded the company so basically appointed himself CEO, and one has been wiht the company for 35 years, and is currently 70 yeras old, which would make his post secondary time at about 1950 when school wasn't nearly as imortant as it is now.
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