“Remus, dah-ling, how good to see you home so esrly!”
“I took the day off so we could spend some quality time together. Merlin knows we haven’t had a decent shag in a while.”
Severus huffed and placed his hands on his hips, where the ties of a lacy pink apron trailed around to meet at his (rather delectable, Remus thought) backside.
“Oh, you silly goose!” Severus exclaimed, lightly swatting Remus on the arm with a rubber spatula. “No hanky-panky until after the potatoes are done, else they’ll burn, and then what will we have for supper?”
Remus sniffed the air, his nose twitching madly. “Dinner isn’t all I smell, my sweet…I think you want me. I can tell,” he murmured, inhaling deeply.
Severus giggled, lifting a hand to his mouth demurely. “Oh Remus, I told you-not yet!”
“Really, now? Is that what you want, to shag after dinner…Sevvie?”
The use of the pet name evidently provoked the desired reaction, as Severus’-err, I mean Sevvie’s-manly rod twitched in anticipation, and he let out a sigh. “Oh, Remus…”
Remus smiled. “Sod the potatoes then, all right?” He moved even closer, so they were naught but a breath apart. “I can tell…you’re wet for me, aren’t you?”
Sevvie shrieked at this proclamation; it was the final straw. He flung off his apron, threw his trousers and his French knickers to opposite corners of the room, and bent over the living-room couch.
“Oh Reeeeeemus…” he cried, “You-oh yes, right there-you complete me.”
Note: All Americanisms and biological inaccuracies were deliberately left unrevised. :P
Note 2: Have I told you lately that I love you?