Title: My white knight
mtfanatic Pairing: BaeRi Taeyang/SeungRi
Rating: PG
Length: One-shot
Author's Note: My first fic EVER. Very nervous about this sooo, hope everything will be ok. After watching them on Go Real Radio I was inspired to write this fic. It's in Ri's POV.
Author's Note 2: I just had to make a Johnny’s Entertainment reference! They were my lead into the Asian culture.
Summary: Ri is tired of Ji always making fun of him. Bae comes to his rescue.
Woken up by the harsh sounds of Ji hyung screaming from the kitchen, “Maknae, wake up from your beauty rest! We have to practice for the radio show tonight. We’re going on Go Real radio and you need to perfect your solo…” I rolled over, pulling my pillow over my head to cover my ears, in hopes that Ji hyung would just give me a few more minutes.
Not five minutes later, a knock was heard on my door. “Ji hyung, I’m awake” I whined. “I just don’t wanna get up yet…” A voice that I wasn’t expecting responded back. “Ri, we wanna start working soon so please, if you could, come out soon, ready to work” Bae hyung? Hearing his voice made me smile. I didn’t know why but Bae hyung was always so good to me. I finally rolled out of bed and fixed my hair. I fidgeted with my clothes before finally nodding at myself in the mirror and then stepped out of my room to join the rest of the band.
I walked past Dae and TOP hyung and sat next to Bae, who was smiling at me as usual. I smiled back as he patted me on the head and mouthed the words Morning, Sunshine. I tried to stifle the laugh as Ji hyung came into my vision. Ji was in work mode which meant don’t mess with him. He was staring straight at me with this Time to work face. He finally opened his mouth and said “Took you long enough Maknae…” I sighed and looked down at the floor. I’ve always admired Ji hyung the most. He’s always working so hard. He just wants us to be the best that we can be, always striving for us to be perfect. I want to be like him one day; I just wish he wouldn’t pick on me as much as he does.
Lately it seems that Ji hyung loves to pick on me. Always knowing exactly what buttons to press to get to me. I don’t like to show how upset I get so I just keep the Okay hyung face on, but sometimes I know my true emotions leak through. He especially likes to joke about my love for him. I swear, to Ji and the other members, that it is nothing more then just me looking up to Ji hyung and wanting to be like him. They all seem to enjoy joking about me having a boy-crush on him though and after a while it just gets to me. Can’t I just idolize him? Is it because he’s in the same band as me that I am not allowed to just idolize him? That Tegoshi kid from that Jpop band NewS idolizes his leader, Yamapi… and nobody sees that as weird. Why is my idolization any different?
The rehearsals start and we go through the songs that we will be singing together as Big Bang. We get through them with no big problems. Then Ji hyung looks to TOP hyung and TOP stands up to sing his solo song that he has prepared for the radio show. Once TOP hyung is finished, Ji hyung tells him his criticisms and then he looks over at me. “Ok Maknae, your turn. Impress your favorite hyung. Make me ((and fan girls too of course)) fall in love with you…” I roll my eyes and glance over at Bae hyung. Bae hyung gives me his famous smile which warms my heart. I take a deep breath and stand up as the music starts. I get through the song with no problems. After the music stops, I look to Ji hyung, awaiting his criticisms. He just looked at me for what seemed like forever, then he walked over towards me and gave me a hug. “Good job Maknae. Just work on your breath support and you’ll be fine. Sorry about being hard on you earlier.” He ruffles my hair and gives me his famous GDragon smile from ear to ear. I smile back and nod at him.
We all break ways to get ready for the show. We make sure we all look our best as usual. Tonight is a big night for me since I will be performing my solo so I want to look my best. We all meet back up in the main room and go outside to pile into the van. Once we are all settled, Manager hyung starts the car and we are off to the station.
Once at the station, we meet up with the host and he goes over the schedule for today’s show with us . We review the topics of discussion and what music will be played when and whatnot. As the show grew closer, I started getting a little nervous. I looked to Bae hyung who would just smile at me and I would feel better. We finally took our seats as the beginning of the radio show was starting.
We were all nervous when it came to the improvisation game. We had done pretty well last time we played it but for some reason this time, we all just couldn’t think of much. We tried it again and this time we seemed more relaxed. The host praised us on how much better the second time was and I felt better. Then the host dropped on us that all five of us would be performing solo’s tonight. Luckily, TOP hyung and I had prepared ones already which meant that Ji, Bae, and Dae hyung had to improvise their solos. I felt bad for them but I believed that they would be fine. I just needed to focus on my solo.
While at commercial, we were discussing about our first time winning a big award. At that time, I was just so proud of the fact that we had worked so hard and it finally paid off and we won something. I was mostly proud of Ji hyung. He had worked so hard for us, not sleeping or eating much just to make sure that everything was perfect. So when we had won, I got emotional and started to cry on camera. When the other members had brought up the fact that I had cried, Ji hyung started making fun of me, calling me a cry baby. If only he had known that I was crying because I was proud of him, maybe he wouldn’t have made fun of me. But he didn’t know, so when he called me a cry baby, it really hurt. I tried my hardest not to cry, but tears started to fall from my eyes. Maybe it was because I had been thinking of the whole me and Ji hyung thing earlier that day, but it really upset me. At seeing my tears, Dae and Ji hyung started to laugh and Ji tired to make me feel better, but again he poked fun at me which didn’t make anything better.
The next thing I knew, Bae hyung was standing in front of me. I looked up at him with my tear filled eyes and he just gave me that Please don’t cry look and he leaned down to hug me. He started trying to comfort me. He pulled me up out of my chair to make me hug him properly. “Ri, it’s okay…” he whispered “Ji was just playing with you like always. Maybe he went too far this time, but you don’t have to cry about it. You’ll make me cry if you keep crying. And we don’t want that do we? So please Ri…” At that moment he lifted up my chin so that I was looking straight into his eyes. I could see how much he cared and how sincere he was being at that moment. Why did Bae hyung care so much? And why I was feeling something funny in my stomach all of a sudden? I wiped my eyes and tried to calm down. “Why does he always have to tease me like this? Doesn’t he know I get upset about it…” I tried to pull away from Bae, but he wouldn’t let me. “He knows Ri… it’s just that Ji’s way of dealing with situations is different from most people. Haven’t you realized that by now? You’ve been around him for over a year now…” I knew Bae hyung was right. Out of all of us, Bae and Ji hyung had known each other the longest so they knew each other very well. I nodded as Bae hyung hugged me again and he finally let me sit back in my chair.
The show came back from commercial and many VIPs that were watching the show commented on me crying and saying that Ji shouldn’t have been so mean to me to make me cry. I could see that Ji felt bad about it so that made me feel better about it. The time came for my solo and I stood up, getting a little nervous again. Something in me told me to look at Bae hyung to make me feel better and so I did. Bae hyung just gave me the biggest smile ever and mouthed Hwaiting. I nodded at him and then motioned for the music to start. I did my best with the solo, the best that I could do. Afterwards, all the hyungs told me that I had done a great job, even Ji hyung. I smiled, feeling very proud of myself.
The show ended without anymore mishaps and then we were on our way back to the apartment. I couldn’t wait to get home and get back into my bed. I was so emotionally drained from the day that I just wanted to forget everything and go rest. But with tradition, we would meet up in the main room to discuss the show and say what we think we need to work on and what we think is fine. I curled up on the couch, awaiting the manager hyungs and my band hyungs. After a few minutes, we were all gathered and started the conversation. I said my two bits and then just listened to what everyone else had to say. After almost a half hour, it was over and we could finally go into our separate rooms to do whatever we wanted. I already knew what I wanted to do… sleep. I bowed and said my good nights to the hyungs and went to my room. I took a quick shower and changed into my pajamas, consisting of just my pajama pants and a wife beater. I laid down on my bed and tried to relax enough to fall asleep when a knock on my door disturbed me. I yelled for them to come in, even though I really didn’t want any company for the rest of the night. But I was glad I said come in because it was Bae hyung.
“I just wanted to check on you to make sure you were doing ok, Ri” He smiled and sat on the edge of my bed. I sat up against the bed post and smiled back at him. “Yes, hyung, I feel better. Thanks for worrying about me.“ I started to feel funny again. Why did I feel this way around Bae hyung? He smiled back at me and looked towards the door. He got up and walked towards it, stopping just before reaching it and said “Good night Ri. Sweet dreams.” He turned to leave and he would have if I hadn’t stopped him.
I don’t know what came over me but before I knew it, I was screaming “Wait Bae hyung…” He turned and looked at me questioningly. “Yes Ri, what is it?” I scooted closer to the end of the bed. “Why do you care so much for me?” I could see that he was taken aback from my question, but he pulled himself together and smiled over at me. “Do you really want to know why I care so much about you, Ri?” I nodded back at him. “Yes… please hyung…” He started walked back towards me and stopped right in front of me. I looked up at him and his hands came to caress my face. His touch felt so warm and inviting. I leaned into his hand unconsciously and watched as he leaned further down. I could feel his breath on my face just before he captured my lips with his own. We stayed like that just for a few seconds until I started to kiss him back. He sat down on the bed next to me, our lips not breaking from each other. His other hand wrapped around the back of my neck and I draped my arms around his shoulders, cupping behind his neck. We finally pulled apart and he just smiled back at me. “Was that a good enough answer Ri?” I blushed slightly and nodded at him. “Yes hyung, that was fine.”
When did I start to like Bae hyung I couldn’t tell you. But all I know is that he makes me happy and I am lucky to have him.