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Sep 02, 2010 11:09

30-day Music Meme (or whatever it's really called)

Day 01. Your favorite song - "Subdivisions" by Rush
No secret here. I have said it before many times.

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Day 02. Your least favorite song

This one is a lot harder as there are far more songs out there that I loathe than I can represent with numerals. Pop, dance, club and Top 40 songs in particular are a cancer and most music on the charts and on the radio is the culmination of so many turds fished out of so many toilets it just isn't funny.

I am bypassing the legions of irritating, annoying, lowest common denominator wank-fests that have infested the charts and inflicted their artless, joyless, humorless, unskilled and, let's face it, intelligence-destroying selves on modern humanity since the 1950s. That's too easy. All the Warrants, Poisons, MC Hammers and Tag Teams, one-hit wonders and Black Eyed Peas-style grab for the gold at the expense of any creativity don't add up to the monstrosity that I have chosen as the song I like the least. Ever. In the history of music.

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It isn't that the Dead never had a good song. There's a few jewels amongst their vast catalog. I just don't like them. Any of them. I have never liked the Grateful Dead and, God help me, I really tried.

However, there is absolutely nothing to recommend this song at all. It is a blatant, horrifying, cringe-inducing slab of steamy shit from a band known for it's lengthy, steamy piles of shit. Of the rock bands out there, I despise so-called "jam" bands the most. There's improvisation, and then there's being so high you can't remember where you were musically 3 seconds ago. Fuck the Grateful Dead. Fuck this piece of shit, desperate beyond measure, stab at a pop song. Like these assclowns didn't have enough money for heroin and acid already, they had to go stink up MTV and every radio station everywhere with this huge turd.

Fuck this song.

Day 03. A song that makes you happy - "Goody Two Shoes" by Adam Ant

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Never fails to bring a smile to my face. Fun, relentlessly rhythmic, and full of jaded ennui about the music industry and being a pop star.

Day 04. A song that makes you sad - A twofer within a twofer:

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Because of Jeff

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Because of Dan

Day 05. A song that reminds you of someone "Liar" - Rollins Band

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This one's for Ron. It should play every time he enters a room.

Another twofer today.
Day 06. A song that reminds you of somewhere

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This song will always take me back to Atlanta, 1990.

Day 07. A song that reminds you of a certain event

Back in the days of modems, in the Pliocene era of the Intarwebs, I used to surf BBSes. I'd put my headphones on, and crank something up. For a long time, this song was in heavy rotation as my modem squirked and skwawked its way to connecting with others.

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Day 08. A song that you know all the words to

"Knowing all the words to" is really not hard. Remembering them outside the context of the song playing is hard for me. But when the song is playing, here's one I can sing along with.

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Day 09. A song that you can dance to

I don't dance. At all. When I have attempted to do so in the past, I danced like a special ed kid who's been given a sparkler. I also don't like dance music. It's boring. Modern dance music is all computerized blips and blorps and about as musically interesting to me as a 3rd grade band mangling Sousa. I like dance music made by real people on real instruments, so here's some non-dance music dance music.

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Day 10. A song that makes you fall asleep Music doesn't generally put me to sleep, unless it's really slow and treacly classical music, so I'm skipping this one.

Day 11. A song from your favorite band I'm changing this to "a favorite band" because I don't want to post a ton of one band. I like variety. Needless to say, Rush is my favorite band of all time, ever & ever, amen. But here's something from another band I really dig.

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Day 12. A song from a band you hate Anything by KISS.

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I really loathe this band. They're just awful in every possible way.

Day 13. A song that is a guilty pleasure

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The shame. It burns. Seriously, Dan was a huge Spice Girls fag, and I had to endure hearing them constantly when they were big. He also liked Hanson. The torture was endless. This was the one Spice Girls song that just kinda... grew on me. Like cancer. Mainly because I found it endlessly amusing to re-word the lyrics and sing "spice up your rice!" (every wok and every grill! spice up your rice!) at loud volume. Yes, I'm easily amused.

Day 14. A song that no one would expect you to love

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Given my general loathing of pop/top 40/club/dance music, this should be a real surprise. I have never been a Madonna fan, and still am not. Ray of Light, however, I think is the best thing she has ever done, and she should honestly have retired afterward. Nothing she has ever done before or since has come close to the quality of this record. William Orbit transformed her into something truly brilliant, even if just for this one record.

Day 15. A song that describes you
This is really difficult because I don't know how to describe myself. There is always a difference between how one envisions themselves in their own head and how they come off in the everyday reality of living life.

I know that, on the outside, I can come off as angry, or jaded, or cynical. But deep inside I'm a huge softie, intensely romantic and made of warm caramel and whipped dairy topping.

So, as much as this may damage my reputation...

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Day 16. A song that you used to love but now hate
I remember fairly vividly. I saw this video on MTV (you know, back when they still played music videos), and read some press about this new band called Darling Cruel that had everyone buzzing that the lead singer/svengali/pitchman, Gregory Darling, was "the new Freddie Mercury", 3 years before Mercury's death. I ran out, bought the CD, and was immediately crushed by the weight of how much the record sucked. It didn't just suck, it sucked with the force of a supermassive black hole, turning everything around it into quantum turds. Still, I loved this one song, the best song on the whole record. I had the CD for years before it went the way of the dinosaur, not even gaining the privilege of being burned to MP3 like the rest of my CDs. By that time, my once, long-ago love of this song had become a burdensome embarrassment. Watching the video and listening to the song now, I literally asked myself what was I thinking. It is a catalog of fake, forced, goth-lite, romanticized histrionics, "Asian black" hair dye, frills, ruffles and some dude playing a mandolin like it was a flaming Stratocaster. Sometimes you just have to look back into your past and wince.

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Day 17. A song that you hear often on the radio
I don't listen to the radio. There hasn't been anything played on the radio in 20 years that I'd listen to.

Day 18. A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Since I don't listen to the radio, this is irrelevant. I wouldn't know it was played even if it was.

Day 19. A song from your a favorite album
Some live double-trio King Crimson activity for you. The original quartet version is off the album Discipline, one of my favorite albums of all time.

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Day 20. A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 21. A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 22. A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 23. A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 24. A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 25. A song that makes you laugh
Day 26. A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 27. A song that you wish you could play
Day 28. A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29. A song from your childhood
Day 30. Your favorite song at this time last year
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