2005 year in review

Dec 29, 2005 16:54

2005 In The Beginning......
Where did you ring in the New Year?: In a bar called Korner House
Who were you with?: Amber and other drunken patrons with no lives
Did you kiss anyone at midnight?: Yea
Did you make any resolutions?: Nope
If so did you keep them?: I wouldnt if I did

2005 Your Love Life....
Did you have a valentine?: Barely
Did you get anything for Valentine's day?: Nothing at all.
Did you meet anyone?: Nobody new, but somebody special.
Did you fall in love?: Truely Madly Deeply
Are you still in love?: Fuck yea
How many relationships did you have?: 1 and a half
How many break ups?: One
How many people did you kiss?: 5
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your love life?: None whatsoever. I made the right choice.

2005 Friends and Enemies......
Did you meet any new friends this year?: No.
Did any of your friendship end?: Just about all of them
Did you dislike anyone?: Right now, Yes, tons of people
Did you get into any fights?: No fist fights
Did you make any new enemies?: Yes, bwahahahaha
Did you resolve any fights?: I'm not one for making up.
Who was your closest friend?: Laura
Who did you grow apart from?: Kalvin
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?: No, they all ended because of something they did. I cant regret that.

2005 The Seasons.....
Favorite winter memory?: Getting married to my wife.
Least favorite winter memory?: Getting a flat and having to drive 5 mph for quite a while to get to my house cuz my car didnt have a jack.
Favorite spring memory?: There were no favorite spring memories.
Least favorite spring memory?: all of spring
Favorite summer memory?: Driving in the city with Laura
Least favorite summer memory?: Losing "friends"
Favorite fall memory?: Planning my wedding with the most gorgeous dame around
Least favorite fall memory?: running into problem after problem

2005....The Holidays!
What was your favorite holiday?: Christmas, making Laura cry happy tears.
Least favorite holiday?: Halloween.... i think I missed it.
Any special family holiday traditions?: Nope, just traveling between parents houses.
Did you go to any holiday parties?: Nope.
Did the Easter bunny visit you?: No,
Did you watch fire works on the 4th of July?: Nope.
Did you dress up for Halloween?: In my usual attire
What did you do for Thanksgiving?: Spent it with my family and Lauras family
Did you make a list of gifts for the holidays?: No, i wouldnt have gotten them if I did.
Did you receive what you wanted?: I have Laura.... thats all I could ask for.
Were you good this holiday season?: I've been a little naughty.... maybe I'll get punished tonight.

2005 Your BIRThDAY!!!
How old did you turn?: 25
Did you have a cake?: I forgot
What did you do for your birthday?: Got laid, wen to great america.
Did you get any presents?: a cool pic of me and Laura as mobsters
If so what was the best thing you got?: That picture

2005......The Memories and Accomplishments!
Best Memory ..1?: Having that long deep talk with Laura while driving around the city.
Best Memory ..2?: My wedding
Best Memory ..3?: My wedding night >.o
Worst Memory ..1?: Losing friends over stupid reasons
Worst Memory ..2?: Slowly losing touch with Kalvin
Worst Memory ..3?: I dunno
Best Accomplishment ..1?: Becoming a married man despite obsicals
Best Accomplishment ..2?: Moving out on my own
Best Accomplishment ..3?:. Doing things for myself and proving everyone wrong.

Favorite TV shows?: Family guy, Full Metal Alchamist.
Favorite songs?: A few they play on WGCI, their inspirational songs.
Favorite bands?: None from this year
Favorite food?: Oooh, Hawaiian pizza
Favorite stores?: Target
Favorite restaurants?: Steak and Shake
Favorite piece of clothing?: Nothing.... or my suit

2005.....All about YOU....
Did you change at all this year?: I became a lot more mature.
Did you dye your hair?: No
Did you get your hair cut?: Yep, short hair again
Did you change your style?: Nope, still the casual don.
Were you in school?: No
Did you get good grades?: On what?
Did you have a job?: Yea, same one I've had forever
Did you drive?: Yes
Did you own a car?: Yep, a 89 Chevy Corsica
Did you loose anyone this year?: Nobody of any importance.
Did anyone close to you give birth?: Not yet, but my best friend is gonna pop early next year.
Did you move at all?: From the TP's out on my own
Did you go on any vacations?: No, just from work.... which was my honeymoon
Did you leave the country at all?: not this year
Would you change anything about yourself now?: I’d be less flabby

2005.....Wrap Up.
Was 2005 a good year?: It had its ups and downs, but began to raise signifigantly from july onwards.
What would you change about the year?: Nothing, its all worked out greatly
Did 2005 bring any new insights?: Yeah, listen to that little voice in your head... he's usually right.
What have your learned about yourself?: That I really like tasteless comedy.
Do you think 2006 will top 2005?: I doubt it.... but it will at least have a steady goodness to it.
Do you have any goals for 2006?: Survive
If you could relive any moment which would you choose?: December 9th
If you could forget any moment what would it be?: March, April, and May... hell, while were at it.... everything from January 1st to late June
Do you wish 2005 wouldn't end?: No, because then I'd be stuck in a dimentional time warp...
Do you plan to do anything special for NYE 2006?: Maybe getting a little drunk and pretending I'm a lost sweedish tourist and Laura is the dominant yet sexy german school headmistriss with a thing for tourists..... Or just get drunk horny, screw, and sleep.
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