today is the 3rd anniversary of the beginning of the war in iraq. and i am sitting here looking at pictures of baby polar bears and squeezing my wet kitty who just came in from the rain. how inappropriate
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i want to go tomorrow, I hope I'm not coaching..I never see you anyhow so it would be fun sew the jeans! I want new ones too but havent found any that i want bad enough.. so I just wear the same ones that are now slipping off my butt
let me know if you go, iv'e actually never been. i used to always work wednesday nights, but now that i dont i usually dont go down there on my day off. but yes it would be fun :)
Comments 9
sew the jeans! I want new ones too but havent found any that i want bad enough.. so I just wear the same ones that are now slipping off my butt
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