I had a really shitty day on fri. worked really sucked me and the new manager dont get along and i have no respect for her. and we have to keep working on shit for inspection which is getting anoying. saturday didnt start off well but when chuck showed up at drakies it got alot better and the we went to play halo 2 for a long time chuck had to go
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i cant sleep and im in school... this just doesnt make sense. my head hurts when i try to think, today is cookie day... i have to make a spiral fish program, want sleep, cant sleep, oh dear
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ya i couldnt get to sleep till 2:30 last night b/c my dad wouldnt shut off the damn tv and my mom work up late for work so i had to wake up at 5:30 went back to sleep woke up late and was late to school, then i started to notice my eye hurting. so this day started off really bad but i hope it gets better. i was able to scrape enough money together
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im really lookin forward to tomorrow, cant wait to see chuck again. i was in the best mood ive been in a while last night, nothing could ruin it. i tried not to sleep so i could hold onto the feeling but i feel asleep anyway. i woke up and it was almost gone. at this point it is
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i seem to be spending a lot of time in bj's parkking lot lately. thinking, yesterday i wrote a note. i think my own thoughts are starting to scare me
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i dont have the internet so this is the first time ive been able to check lj since mon. a lot has happened i hope loris alright. i started at wendy's this week its alright i dont have to learn a whole lot of new stuff.. back to monotney(sry dont know how to spell) started magic(i like my deck) thats pretty much it for, i havent done a whole lot. im
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Yesterday i found out that chuck was takin to the hospital... it took a little bit to sink in but now that it has i wish it hadnt. i look back on the last month and realize that i should of done more for her... not just be with her but talk to her mom and mark and let them know wut was goin on.. i had planned on doing it this weekend but i guess
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