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Comments 6

shadownyc December 8 2014, 00:53:40 UTC
Enjoy! :D


bigboobedcanuck December 9 2014, 19:59:27 UTC
Thank you! :)


frelling_tralk December 8 2014, 19:30:36 UTC
Awesome! I've just been catching up with season 3 on iTunes, I'm planning to post about it when I'm done :D


bigboobedcanuck December 9 2014, 20:00:39 UTC
Yay! I saw that you posted, but since I'm going to rewatch I don't want to be reminded of the older storylines, so will read your thoughts once I rewatch. :)


frelling_tralk December 10 2014, 14:16:59 UTC
Cool, I can't wait to read your thoughts :) Honestly I'm kind of bummed at the moment at there not seeming to be much of a fandom to discuss the show with, only one person was commenting on my entry so far with regards to the show. I don't know if there's any active LJ comm's for the show that you can recommend for TGW? Probably not with how quiet LJ is these days though :/


bigboobedcanuck December 10 2014, 21:03:35 UTC
Sadly I don't really know where the fandom is. I was never in it here on LJ if there was one. After the last episode of this season I actually went on Twitter and clicked the GW hashtag because I needed discussion! But it's not like the old says -- now everything seems to be Tumblr and Twitter and it's little soundbytes or gifs.


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