All hail the CW!

Jan 12, 2015 12:35

I'm so freaking happy Reign and Jane the Virgin were renewed!!

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random tv, fangirl alert!

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Comments 10

_jems_ January 12 2015, 21:28:13 UTC
So pleased about Jane! And the Golden Globe! Bet the CW was pleased as punch they'd renewed it right before the win.

As for Reign, I heard about the rape and was at that point a few episodes behind and I quit. I just CAN'T with that kind of stuff anymore.


bigboobedcanuck January 13 2015, 16:18:14 UTC
Yes, it was a good day for the CW! I'm so happy the show won. It really deserved it.

I hear you about rape storylines. I do think they've done an excellent job, though.


charley_ryan January 13 2015, 01:02:09 UTC
I don't watch "Reign" but I heard one of my faves, Craig Parker, had joined the cast this season. I think he's playing the Narcisse dude. He is fine as all hell. Did you ever watch Starz's series "Spartacus"? He was in it. Full frontal. Just saying. ;)


bigboobedcanuck January 13 2015, 16:19:46 UTC
Yes, that's him! He's so great. I never did watch Spartacus. Will have to remedy that. :D


charley_ryan January 13 2015, 16:48:37 UTC
Oh, do watch "Spartacus". It was such a great series. I really think you'd like it. Parker played the villain in it but, still, full frontal. *G* Do you watch "Arrow"? 'Slade Wilson' was also in Sparty, also full frontal. Just so you know. ;-p The first season was "Spartacus: Blood And Sand" (each season got it's own subtitle.)


bigboobedcanuck January 13 2015, 16:54:08 UTC
I couldn't get into Arrow for some reason (I love Flash, though!). But I've been meaning to check out Spartacus for ages. Thanks! :)


darlulu January 13 2015, 02:38:54 UTC
That is awesome news! I'd been so worried Reign was going to be cancelled because of their low ratings ( ... )


bigboobedcanuck January 13 2015, 16:47:23 UTC
I love Mary and Catherine's relationship too. So layered and complex! I love the female relationships on this show. How good Catherine was to Mary after the rape, and how Mary and Lola's friendship has weathered Lola's pregnancy, etc ( ... )


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