
Mar 19, 2015 10:20

Hello, LJ! Things here are busy, busy. I miss this place. I still check my flist a couple times a week, but I miss posting. I was just looking through my icons, and they're such a snapshot of my life the past 10+ years. So many memories of people, places and fandoms tied into those little 100 x 100 pixel squares. I'm so glad I got a permanent ( Read more... )

my books, the walking dead, random tv, writing, me, teen wolf, something gay no doubt, good wife

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Comments 6

nutmeg3 March 20 2015, 00:40:42 UTC
I'm loving TWD, too, even though my stomach is in knots every ep. Carol is flat-out amazing. I want to be her when I grow up. *g* And ITA about Father Gabriel. I was furious at him last ep. Like he's so pure and wonderful - not.

Also, it's so great to know you're making a living writing. :-)


bigboobedcanuck March 20 2015, 16:53:42 UTC
Carol is seriously the best. I just adore her.

And thank you! Yes, so far, so good. I'm going to keep plugging away! :)


charley_ryan March 20 2015, 00:59:20 UTC
Teen Wolf has lost too many hunks. :( Isaac, Danny, now limited Derek. Makes me sad.

I don't know what scares me more -- Carol's "sweet little lady" act or her weird Mr. Rogers sweaters.

Hate the preacher. My friend calls him Father PeePants cause he's such a wuss.

Looking -- I'm so over all things Kevin and Patrick. I find I kinda hate Kevin. He's a coward to me, with the cheating and not being able to man up to his boyfriend until his bf clued in on his own. Patrick is so neurotic I just want someone to punch him in the face.

Dom and Richie are the only things I hang in for anymore. I adore me some Richie. I don't think Brady is right for him but I hope he finds his right guy soon. I adore Dom but miss him and Lynn. Augustine has improved so much this season. Love his new boyfriend.


bigboobedcanuck March 20 2015, 16:55:35 UTC
I still miss Isaac. I really wish he hadn't left!

Father PeePants! Sounds about right. I was sympathetic to him before for the most part, but now I'm done. Done!

Aww, I adore Patrick. I love everyone. Richie is such a sweetheart, and I don't think Brady is right for him either. I really do hope Lynn returns and realizes that he deserves real love.


_alicesprings March 20 2015, 08:30:52 UTC
I am so happy for you that you're making a living writing! Such an amazing achievement! So happy for you and proud of you for taking the plunge and making it work. Go, girl. *\o/*

I am v v v sad Hoechlin is leaving TW. :( I get it, he was criminally ubderused last season. And his personal headcanons and character background are always so well thought out and interesting - more than his canon is! I just hope he gets some work and doesn't end up doing nothing like others who have left. Once Dylan leaves, I'm so outta there!

I am really enjoying Looking too! I love Eddie! He makes Augustin so much more likeable! I love Richie too. I'm not so sure what's gonna happen with Kevin but uh, yeah. :\

Enjoying Good Wife too but really wanting a new show to embrace. Nothing's really doing it for me. I thought I would be really into How to Get Away with Murder, but nup.


bigboobedcanuck March 20 2015, 16:58:40 UTC
Thank you, friend! And you're taking your own plunge! Super exciting. We rock. :D

Yeah, I get why Hoechlin is leaving, although part of me thinks just finish your contract and make another year of good $$. I do hope he'll get some good work and won't be twiddling his thumbs.

I quite enjoyed HTGAWM, but I'm really not obsessed with anything. Which is good for my productivity, heh. Have you watched Jane the Virgin? My fave show of this season. So warm and funny and delightful. I look forward to it every week.


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