This is not a coffee related post, but it is relevant to a recent post.
Alright a few things to clear up:
Look, in all lines of business and retail, including barista barring, you eventually notice certain things about certain people.
Do you guys know the difference between culturally sensative and racist?
Racist is treating or judging someone differently because of their ethnic background.
culturally sensative is knowing differences and respecting them appropriately.
Anyone ever work as a waiter? I have and can tell you plenty of things right now:
Asians tend to order more rice than Europeans/White people.
Indians prefer spicier dishes and tend not to get Ice in their waters.
Is this racist? No. Do I automatically assume they want any of these things? NEVER. Do I suggest upon observation? Of course.
In my curry latte post, i did not treat the Indian family different or call them stupid. That wasnt even the point of it...
Mind you, curry was created in India, so assuming they eat curry is hardly offensive.
I posted a warning to avoid offending people, but they seem so self rightous to know what wrong doing i had done that they ignored it. I would rather offend just a few of you guys rather than 100 more by NOT posting that warning stated THREE TIMES in the beginning.
By the way, I didnt call out the drink, i didnt make it in front of them, I didnt make fun of them. I stated that afterwards, i made it. I never said I served it to them. But something I failed to menton was that I made it after they left... Perhaps that made all the difference.
If you think that makes no difference, I wonder how you sleep at night... If a joke is inappropriate to a certain group but not another and is funny (yes, I'm sorry, but foul humor does exist), Think it what you may. People still laugh. Its a funny joke. And oddly enough, i like making others laugh.
We use filters all the time. We try to not to cuss in front of little kids, we know business jokes from simple jokes, and its because we try to use better judgement not to offend others. Yes, you calling me an ignorant jerk is aggrivating (hence this post), but I like to think that I will never act out upon the Indian family that sparked such the joke. I will never ask them if they want to try a curry latte. I will never assume they want a chai extra dry and not make them anything else.
Those who posted their opinions, on the other hand, its very much like a person saying a black joke with a black person behind them and not caring, thinking what they say is much more effective and important.
"Oh, my humor/non-ignorace is so much better than yours that i will state fully what I believe in and I am trying to better this person by telling them how I think it should be"
My disclaimer does not excuse racism. It was simply so i would not get the many posts I still recieived because, unlike them, If there is something unpleasant to some, I did not want to upset them and give fair warning to ignore my following statements because it it not for them...
Another thing: No i would not be offended if someone asked me if i wanted a teriyaki frap, because honestly, i think thats funny. See, the first thing i see in that kind of question is humor and taste, NOT skin color like many people seem to jump to.
Alas, This is the internet, and no matter what you say, someone will disagree. While I can understand that and acknowledge that, I understand some cannot. I cannot seem to overstate that my disclaimer was my way of saying "I am going to say something that may offend some. For those I know it will offend, please to not read on because I do not want to hear your opinion about me on it I wish not to recieve unpleasant comments."
I'm also curious, how many of those people who called me racist are white, and how many were a minority.
BTW if this kind of post isnt allowed, let me know, I'll gladly take it down...
Which i did.. :D