alright fuckers

May 03, 2006 23:38

I want your god honest opinion of me. seriously, tell me what you totally think of me as a person, as a friend, whatever. i want to know what goes on in your head when my name is mentioned or i come into your vision during the day. and if i don't believe what you say, i'm gonna call bullshit and demand to knwo what you REALLY think about me. don't ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

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bigdaddylou71 May 3 2006, 15:29:55 UTC
that's a lie. its more like frosted flakes


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bigdaddylou71 May 3 2006, 15:29:14 UTC
oh, i call some serious bullshit on this one


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bigdaddylou71 May 4 2006, 03:57:13 UTC
even bullshittier


humppaman77 May 2 2006, 21:19:58 UTC
I don't know you extremely well but you're very cool from what I've seen, and you drive an awesome vehicle, too.


bigdaddylou71 May 3 2006, 15:29:26 UTC


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